- Decision register Content
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.
20/09/2023 - Local Authority Housing Fund (LAHF) Round 2 – Stonewater Limited Grant award ref: 2161 Recommendations Approved
To grant £1.52m to Stonewater Limited
for the provision of 10 Houses to provide tenancies with affordable
rents for Afghan refugee resettlement and Temporary Accommodation
for homeless people as nominated by BCC for ten years, and
thereafter as general needs affordable housing.
In June 2023 The Department for Homes, Levelling Up and Communities
(DHLUC) launched the Local Authority Housing Fund round 2. BCC has
accepted the Local Authority Housing Fund grant of
£1,520,000. The council agreed to utilise the grant under the
Affordable Homes Policy. The LAHF Programme is delivering homes
under Project 1000 Affordable Housing Programme with Executive
Director for G
Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Decision published: 09/07/2024
Effective from: 20/09/2023
To grant £1.52m to Stonewater Limited
for the provision of 10 Houses to provide tenancies with affordable
rents for Afghan refugee resettlement and Temporary Accommodation
for homeless people as nominated by BCC for ten years, and
thereafter as general needs affordable housing.
Lead officer: John Smith
15/09/2023 - Contract award: Corporate Travel, Accommodation and Expenses booking system ref: 1943 Recommendations Approved
Bristol City Council employees are on
occasion, required to travel to perform their duties.
Travel agency services are needed to provide a cost-effective way
for the booking of rail tickets, flights, other transport and
A corporate travel contract affords the Council the following
benefits and therefore the reason for the decision:
1.It saves colleagues time and cost when making business travel
2.The system will ensure the Council’s travel policy is
applied to all bookings.
3.It will help ensure the safety of colleagues by using only
reputable providers of travel and accommodation.
4.It helps track and reduce travel spend. All invoices are
consolidated. It removes the need for the use of corporate
procurements cards for travel and accommodation purposes. Through
economies of scale the supplier can access favourable rates. We
will receive detailed reports of expenditure and have greater
oversight of approval processes. We can also ensure all VAT costs
are saved through itemised reports.
Decision Maker: Chief Executive
Decision published: 08/01/2024
Effective from: 15/09/2023
Procurement of a corporate travel booking
Bristol City Council employees are on occasion, required to travel
to perform their duties.
Travel agency services are needed to provide a cost-effective way
for the booking of rail tickets, flights, other transport and
With the benefit of professional procurement advice, a direct award
has been made to Click Travel (Travel Management Solutions) for a
period of 2 years with the option to extend for a further
Lead officer: Steph Griffin
08/09/2023 - Submission of a bid to the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities’ Single Homelessness Accommodation Programme (SHAP). ref: 1857 Recommendations Approved
If the bid is successful, the SHAP grant
funding will ensure that we are able to continue to fund the
accommodation services that are keeping citizens safe in
accommodation. In addition to being a place to stay, these services
also provide appropriate support, and contribute to preventing and
reliving rough sleeping in the city, in line with the
government’s Rough Sleeping Strategy and the Bristol City
Council Corporate Strategy 2022-27.
Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Decision published: 06/10/2023
Effective from: 08/09/2023
Approval was given to submit a bid to the
Single Homelessness Accommodation Programme, in partnership with St
Mungo’s. The bid is for three years of revenue funding to
increase the amount of support offered across 37 units of
accommodation, currently run by St Mungo’s under Bristol City
Council’s Homeless Pathways 2 and 3.
Lead officer: Louise Baker
16/09/2023 - Employers Agent and ancillary services ref: 1836 Recommendations Approved
This development is part of the on-going
Council House New Build programme and forms part of the overall
Mayors ambition to increase council house numbers as part of
Project 1000. If this contract is not approved, and if Welling
Partnership are not appointed this would have implications on the
build programme and council house delivery.
Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Decision published: 22/09/2023
Effective from: 16/09/2023
Bristol City Council wishes to commission a
suitable company to deliver Employers Agent, Principal Designer and
Cost Consultant for 5 sites:
Cameron Centre, Cameron Walk, Lockleaze, Bristol BS7 9XB
Greville EPH, Lacey Road, Stockwood, Bristol BS14 8LN
Filwood Cinema, 20 Filwood Broadway, Knowle, Bristol. BS4 1JL
Branwhite, Branwhite Close, Lockleaze, Bristol BS7 9XJ
Former Florence Brown School, Leinster Avenue, Knowle West, Bristol
Lead officer: Louise Baker
15/09/2023 - Temple Quarter – cost sharing agreement with Homes England ref: 1835 Recommendations Approved
As set out in the Cabinet paper of October
2022, the Temple Quarter project partners are aiming to create a
Joint Delivery Vehicle (JDV) to deliver the regeneration of the
area around Bristol Temple Meads Station and St Philip’s
Homes England (HE) has appointed Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited
(“Deloitte”) and Eversheds Sutherland (International)
LLP (“Eversheds Sutherland”) to provide services in
relation to the regeneration project and creation of a Joint
Delivery Vehicle and future procurement strategy. This decision is
to sign up to an agreement between HE and the council to agree that
the liability for the payment of fees payable to Eversheds
Sutherland will be shared between HE and the council.
This funding covers the work required in order to develop the
strategy to take forward BTQ and the creation of the JDV (including
further funding) that will be brought to Bristol City
Council’s Cabinet for endorsement.
Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Decision published: 22/09/2023
Effective from: 15/09/2023
Approval to increase the cost sharing
agreement with the Homes and Communities Agency (trading as Homes
England) relating to the payment of professional fees incurred in
relation to the Bristol Temple Quarter Project, by £210,670
from £194,000.
Lead officer: Louise Baker
15/09/2023 - Temple Quarter – cost sharing agreement with Homes England ref: 1834 Recommendations Approved
As set out in the Cabinet paper of October
2022, the Temple Quarter project partners are aiming to create a
Joint Delivery Vehicle (JDV) to deliver the regeneration of the
area around Bristol Temple Meads Station and St Philip’s
Homes England (HE) has appointed Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited
(“Deloitte”) and Eversheds Sutherland (International)
LLP (“Eversheds Sutherland”) to provide services in
relation to the regeneration project and creation of a Joint
Delivery Vehicle. This advice includes strategic property advice,
financial modelling and the procurement and delivery strategy for
taking forward BTQ. This decision is to sign up to an agreement
between HE and the council to agree that the liability for the
payment of fees payable to Eversheds Sutherland will be shared
between HE and the council.
This funding covers the work required in order to develop the
strategy to take forward BTQ and the creation of the JDV (including
further) funding will be brought to Bristol City Council’s
Cabinet for endorsement.
Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Decision published: 22/09/2023
Effective from: 15/09/2023
Approval to increase the cost sharing
agreement with the Homes and Communities Agency (trading as Homes
England) relating to the payment of professional fees incurred in
relation to the Bristol Temple Quarter Project, by £126,506
from £316,763.
Lead officer: Louise Baker
19/09/2023 - Homes England ‘Get Council’s Building’ grant to support housing delivery ref: 1833 Recommendations Approved
This funding support enables the Council to
fast-track site feasibility work on sites intended for 3rd party
delivery where there is no current budget to de-risk development or
determine the most appropriate use for the development opportunity.
This funding supports the Council’s Community Led Housing
programme and supported housing development opportunities and will
progress other potential sites to support the delivery of
affordable housing.
Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Decision published: 22/09/2023
Effective from: 19/09/2023
To enter into a Grant Funding Agreement with
Homes England for the sum of up to £325,000 to support the
costs of ground investigation, site and other surveys and
feasibility studies, and the capacity to manage the workload, to
further the development potential of BCC land in the City and
improve affordable housing delivery.
Lead officer: Louise Baker
19/09/2023 - Local Authority Housing Fund (LAHF) – Stonewater Limited Grant award ref: 1832 Recommendations Approved
To mitigate the expected increased pressures
on local authority homelessness as sponsorship/family placements
arrangements come to an end by increasing the provision of
affordable housing available to local authorities to support Afghan
refugees and Ukrainian families who are homeless and at risk of
In December 2022 The Department for Homes, Levelling Up and
Communities (DHLUC) launched the Local Authority Housing Fund
round1 . Bristol City Council has accepted the Local Authority
Housing Fund grant of £4,180,912 . The council agreed to
utilise the grant under the Affordable Homes Policy. The LAHF
Programme is delivering homes under Project 1000 Affordable Housing
Programme with Executive Director for G
Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Decision published: 22/09/2023
Effective from: 19/09/2023
To grant £3.252m to Stonewater Limited
for the provision of 20 Houses to provide tenancies with affordable
rents for Afghan refugees from Bridging Hotels and Ukrainian
resettled people as nominated by Bristol City Council for ten
years, and thereafter as general needs affordable housing.
Lead officer: Louise Baker
19/09/2023 - Local Authority Housing Fund (LAHF) – Ashley Community Housing Grant award ref: 1831 Recommendations Approved
To mitigate the expected increased pressures
on local authority homelessness as sponsorship/family placements
arrangements come to an end by increasing the provision of
affordable housing available to local authorities to support
Ukrainian families who are homeless and at risk of
In December 2022 The Department for Homes, Levelling Up and
Communities (DHLUC) launched the Local Authority Housing Fund
round1 . BCC has accepted the Local Authority Housing Fund grant of
£4,180,912 . The council agreed to utilise the grant under
the Affordable Homes Policy. The LAHF Programme is delivering homes
under Project 1000 Affordable Housing Programme with Executive
Director for G
Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Decision published: 22/09/2023
Effective from: 19/09/2023
To grant £1.038m to Ashly Community
Housing for the provision of 12 flats to provide tenancies with
affordable rents for Ukrainian resettled people as nominated by BCC
for ten years, and thereafter as general needs affordable
Lead officer: Louise Baker
14/09/2023 - Underfall Yard – Initial Capital Works & Professional Fees ref: 1830 Recommendations Approved
The decision enables Underfall Yard Trust
(UYT) to make the site safe, mitigate the risk of further
deterioration of the condition of the building and provide the best
possible access to public realm for Bristol citizens using
insurance funds awarded to the Council by Zurich for the
reinstatement of the Underfall Yard. The decision is to carry out
of initial capital works to make the area safe and clear, carry out
repairs and reopen the Harbourside walkway. It includes
professional fees for initial design work for the full
Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Decision published: 22/09/2023
Effective from: 14/09/2023
Approval to take all steps required for the
Underfall Yard Trust (UYT) to carry out initial capital works to
Underfall Yard.
Lead officer: Louise Baker
14/09/2023 - Underfall Yard – Collaboration Agreement ref: 1829 Recommendations Approved
The Collaboration Agreement will define how
the Council and the Underfall Yard Trust (UYT) will work together
to reinstate the yard after significant fire damage. The decision
sets out the commitment of the Council to pass insurance funds
awarded by the insurer to the UYT to enable them to meet their
reinstatement obligation under the lease. The decision sets out the
terms on which the funds are made available and the roles of the
UYT and Council in the process.
Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Decision published: 22/09/2023
Effective from: 14/09/2023
Approval to enter into a Collaboration
Agreement with the Underfall Yard Trust (UYT).
Lead officer: Louise Baker
18/09/2023 - Voluntary Sector Support for Asylum Seeking families in Temporary Accommodation ref: 1828 Recommendations Approved
The asylum-seeking families are, in the main,
newly arrived in the UK and have very few possessions so the
charities can help with providing essential and second hand
clothing, footwear and school uniforms. Asylum seekers are not
allowed to rent accommodation or to work (except in a restricted
number of occupations) and it is important that people have an
opportunity to undertake meaningful activities for mental wellbeing
and to contribute to society. To support community cohesion,
resilience work to strengthen relationships with the host community
can mitigate misinformation and create positive
Decision Maker: Director: Adult Social Care
Decision published: 21/09/2023
Effective from: 18/09/2023
The decision is to allocate £119,500
from the Asylum Dispersal Fund to provide support for 12 months to
up to 450 asylum seekers in a city centre Initial Accommodation
hotel which opened on 1 September 2023. The hotel is contracted by
the Home Office and staff are provided through this contract to
meet basic subsistence needs. This additional funding will be
allocated to voluntary sector organisations with experience of
working with asylum seekers to provide essential clothing, advice
and guidance, support to attend medical appointments and to
organise a weekly calendar of activities to harness community
offers of support. The funding allocations will be obtained in line
with financial and procurement regulations.
Further discussions will take place with stakeholders to develop a
local grants programme to encourage integration activities. Some
funding will be used for interpreting costs for local agencies
working with families.
This offer is complimented by support from statutory organisations:
The Haven Primary Care Service and Refugee Resettlement Team
organise initial triage days, the BCC Attendance and Belonging Team
will organise school places and the City of Bristol College will
register asylum seekers for English classes when they have been in
the UK for more than 6 months. Public Health convene weekly
partnership meetings to work with partners to meet needs and
mitigate risks as needed.
Lead officer: Mette Le Jakobsen
21/07/2023 - Procurement of a delivery partner to review the use of High Needs Block Element 3* Funding in Bristol (*also known as ‘top-up’) ref: 1827 Recommendations Approved
In line with the requirements set out in the
Delivering Better Value (DBV) in Special Educational Needs and
Disabilities (SEND) Grant from the Department for Education (DfE),
Bristol City Council (BCC) has procured a delivery partner to lead
Workstream 2 of the programme. Workstream 2 is focused on reviewing
the use of High Needs Block (HNB) funding, developing a fully
costed set of options for changing the existing model, running a
city-wide consultation process, and presenting the preferred option
to Cabinet for a key decision. The HNB is used to fund children
with SEND in Bristol schools. Any proposed changes to this process
will result in high levels of interest from members of the public
and local Councillors. Failure to follow a legally compliant
process could result in legal consequences for Bristol City
Council. A fully compliant procurement process was followed with
applicants scored on the quality of technical answers, cost of
delivery and social value. The applicant with the highest combined
score has been awarded the contract to deliver Workstream 2.
Decision Maker: Director: Education and Skills
Decision published: 20/09/2023
Effective from: 21/07/2023
To procure a delivery partner in line with the
requirements set out in the Delivering Better Value (DBV) in
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Grant from the
Department for Education (DfE),
Lead officer: Reena Bhogal-Welsh
06/09/2023 - MetroWest Phase 2, Ashley Down Rail Station: Access Improvement Scheme ref: 1826 Recommendations Approved
To enable the highways access scheme for the
new Ashley Down Station which is due to open in 2024.
Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Decision published: 14/09/2023
Effective from: 06/09/2023
•Approval of the final access improvement
scheme design to deliver the approved scheme and associated
landscaping which are based on the draft scheme designs set out in
Appendices A1 and A2 of 6 June 2023 Cabinet Report.
•Agreed the terms of the Grant Offer Letter and enter into a
grant agreement with the West of England Combined Authority.
•Agreed the spend of the funding (including procuring and
awarding contracts over the key decision threshold) to deliver the
approved scheme and associated landscaping.
Lead officer: Louise Baker
10/09/2023 - Funding bid to Innovate Pathfinder Places Programme Phase 2 - Demonstrator ref: 1825 Recommendations Approved
To seek additional funding to contribute to
the achievement of council and city climate goals
Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Decision published: 12/09/2023
Effective from: 10/09/2023
Bristol City Council has submitted a funding
bid to Innovate UK’s Net Zero Living Programme Pathfinder
Places Competition Phase 2 Demonstrator call, to contribute to the
achievement of Bristol City Council’s and the city’s
climate goals. This is in line with the decision of Cabinet on 5
September 2023 to “Authorise the Executive Director Growth
and Regeneration in consultation with the Cabinet Member for
Climate, Ecology, Energy and Waste to take all steps required to
submit a bid to Innovate UK’s Net Zero Living Programme
Pathfinder Places competition Phase 2 Strand 1 ‘Pathfinder
Demonstrator’ of up to £5m deliver a Demonstrator
Project to contribute to the achievement of council and city
climate goals.
Lead officer: Louise Baker
10/09/2023 - Funding bid to Innovate Pathfinder Places Programme Phase 2 – Pathfinder Bid ref: 1824 Recommendations Approved
To seek additional funding to contribute to
the achievement of council and city climate goals
Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Decision published: 12/09/2023
Effective from: 10/09/2023
Bristol City Council has two opportunities for
funding from Innovate UK’s Net Zero Living Programme
Pathfinder Places Competition Phase 2. Full £5m of funding
for a “Demonstrator” and a bid has been made to that
under another Decision. And up to £150,000 of
“Pathfinder” funding to continue to develop our
proposal if the Demonstrator application is unsuccessful, with the
aim of securing funding from sources other than Innovate UK. It is
this Pathfinder bid which this decision relates to.
Lead officer: Louise Baker
04/09/2023 - Extension of the Council’s sleeved large electricity supply contracts ref: 1823 Recommendations Approved
To maintain the supply of electricity for the
large BCC sites and continue the sleeving arrangement.
Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Decision published: 12/09/2023
Effective from: 04/09/2023
To extend the current electricity supply
contracts for the large BCC sites and continue sleeving
arrangements for a further 12 months to September 2024.
Lead officer: Louise Baker
07/09/2023 - Cameron Centre and former police station site, Lockleaze- Stage 4a detailed design ref: 1822 Recommendations Approved
This development is part of the on-going
Council House New Build programme and forms part of the overall
Mayors ambition to increase council house numbers as part of
Project 1000. If this contract is not approved, and Stride Treglown
are not appointed this would have implications on the build
programme and council house delivery.
Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Decision published: 12/09/2023
Effective from: 07/09/2023
Bristol City Council wishes to commission a
lead designer, Stride Treglown, who will undertake architectural
and multidisciplinary services for RIBA stage 4a (detailed design)
on the Cameron Centre and former Police Station site in Lockleaze,
Lead officer: Louise Baker
07/09/2023 - Highway improvement works to A4 Access Road ‘Plot 12’ as part of the scope of the Temple Island Enabling Works. ref: 1821 Recommendations Approved
The Council must undertake these road
improvement works to ensure that the access road can be used for
emergency access to Temple Island when the future development comes
forward. This package forms part of the Enabling Works Condition
under the Development Agreement with Legal and General. The budget
for these works has been included in the WECA EDF funding
agreement. The proposed procurement route is award to Colas Ltd via
a Call off from CCS Framework Lot 1.2.2: Civil Engineering Works
and Minor Associated Building Works and Services–South
England. The call-off mechanism used is a Direct Award
Decision Maker: Director: Property, Assets and Infrastructure
Decision published: 11/09/2023
Effective from: 07/09/2023
The works are road re-surfacing, local
rebuilding of parts of the road that have failed, kerb replacement,
fence replacement, edge protection and signage and road markings on
the A4 Access Road that runs down to Temple Island. It is one of
the packages of Enabling Works required to be undertaken under the
Development Agreement with Legal and General.
Lead officer: Louise Baker
07/09/2023 - Bristol Beacon – Professional Services support ref: 1819 Recommendations Approved
As set out in the Bristol Beacon Jan 23
cabinet report the Bristol Beacon Transformation project has faced
significant challenges due to unforeseen issues with the building
structure and Covid-19.
Since the February 2021 Cabinet paper, the project has gained
significant momentum and made great strides towards completion but
has faced further pressures and continued challenges as reported
and approved by Cabinet on 16th January 2023. The impact of
inflation and external influences on the budget has been
significant and the complex and flawed fabric of the building has
continued to cause problems negatively effecting time and cost.
This has resulted in an agreed practical completion date at the end
of August 2023 with an opening period through the Autumn of 2023
with a full commercial opening on 30 November 2023.
In order to secure completion of the project, Cabinet approved an
increase in budget to Complete the project with full opening Autumn
2023 – Total cost of £131.9m. The project requires a
Senior PM resource seconded to Bristol Music Trust to support with
implementation of the integration project, associated soft landings
and operational support.
The resource requirements have been clearly set out by the Project
Director. Arcadis the Council’s Strategic Partner have
provided a public procurement regulations compliant proposal to
provide these services that is acceptable to cost, quality and time
requirements. This decision will secure the professional services
needed to manage the implementation of the integration project,
associated soft landings and operational support through the
practical completion period.
Decision Maker: Director: Property, Assets and Infrastructure
Decision published: 11/09/2023
Effective from: 07/09/2023
Approval to enter a contract with the
Council’s strategic partner for the provision of professional
services support for BMT from July 2023 – December
Lead officer: Louise Baker
07/09/2023 - Payment of air space levy to the Crown Estate for the St Philips Footbridge, funded by Temple Island Enabling Works. ref: 1820 Recommendations Approved
The Council must pay the Crown Estate (TCE)
for the Right of Air being granted over TCE land in order to
provide the St Philips Footbridge connection between Temple Island
and Albert Road. The Valuation Report produced for BCC relies on
comparable transactions for rights acquired from TCE for similar
bridges/crossings of their land to assess the value of this levy
charge. The proposed sum includes for back payments of rent plus a
final capex lump sum for 999 year/in perpetuity lease. This has
been in discussion between TCE and BCC since 2018. It is
recommended that now is the right time to finalise the negotiation,
as more construction work begins the TQ area.
TCE originally requested £300,000 in 2021. In August 2023 TCE
agreed to a sum of £117,500 plus costs, based on a £/m2
as agreed for their Cardiff bridge and making a 50% discount for
our bridge.
Decision Maker: Director: Property, Assets and Infrastructure
Decision published: 11/09/2023
Effective from: 07/09/2023
Approval to make payment of air space levy and
associated legal and professional surveyors costs to the Crown
Estate for the St Philips Footbridge using the Temple Island
Enabling Works project contingency budget.
Lead officer: Louise Baker
01/09/2023 - Fire Sprinkler Installation Programme ref: 1818 Recommendations Approved
Bristol City Council wishes to commission
Domestic Sprinklers to install and maintain 3 sprinkler systems at
Millmead House, Middleford House and Hayleigh House, Silcox Road,
Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Decision published: 11/09/2023
Effective from: 01/09/2023
Direct Award Lot 1 of the sprinkler
installation programme
Lead officer: Louise Baker
01/09/2023 - Temporary Alarm Installation (Waking Watch Removal) ref: 1817 Recommendations Approved
Decision will have significant impact on BCC
responsibilities to remove the Waking Watches from High Rise
buildings clad with EPS systems.
Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Decision published: 11/09/2023
Effective from: 01/09/2023
Direct Award Lot 1 of the temporary alarm
Lead officer: Louise Baker
01/09/2023 - Temporary Alarm Installation (Waking Watch Removal) ref: 1816 Recommendations Approved
Decision will have significant impact on
Bristol City Council responsibilities to remove the Waking Watches
from High Rise buildings clad with EPS systems.
Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Decision published: 11/09/2023
Effective from: 01/09/2023
Direct Award Lot 2 of the temporary alarm
Lead officer: Louise Baker
01/09/2023 - Laundry Refurbishment Framework ref: 1815 Recommendations Approved
To admit suitably qualified contractors onto a
framework to carry out Landry Refurbishments in Bristol City
Council Properties.
Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Decision published: 11/09/2023
Effective from: 01/09/2023
Award a framework contract for the
refurbishments works to Bristol City Council laundries.
Lead officer: Louise Baker
24/08/2023 - Confirm Software Contract Optional Extension ref: 1814 Recommendations Approved
Decision made to purchase an existing ICT
software system.
Confirm software is used to keep digital records of council assets.
Records against any given asset include maintenance undertaken on
the asset, the condition of the asset when inspected, public
enquiries raised against the asset, and any street works or licence
permits granted or refused against the asset. From the information
gathered in Confirm we can predict the best time within an assets
life to repair/replace it before it becomes costly and a danger to
the public. Inspections and repairs on an asset are date stamped
and evidenced photographically within Confirm which provide
essential information for insurance claims in court.
Accessing Confirm on mobile devices has saved staff the
doublehanding task of returning to the office and typing up their
on-site work for the day. Most assets have an interest for multiple
teams within the council and, by using Confirm as a single source
system, duplicated or out of sync records between different teams
have been removed. I.e., everyone sees the same picture and
everyone has access to the information.
Confirm is critical for several teams to meet statutory duties and
reporting. These include but are not limited to: Highways receiving
and responding to public enquires under its duties of section 41 of
the Highways Act. Bridge Condition Indicator scores submitted
annually to Whole Government Accounts. Energy Extract report of all
the council’s highway electrical assets to Western Power
Distribution. Statutory export of National Street Gazetteer records
Decision Maker: Director: Management of Place
Decision published: 11/09/2023
Effective from: 24/08/2023
Approval for the extension of the existing
Confirm software G-Cloud contract into the optional 4th year.
Confirm is the asset management and maintenance reporting software
used by teams across the Growth and Regeneration directorate. The
existing contract was procured in December 2020, via the G-cloud
platform. We are in the 3rd year of a 4 year (2 + 1 + 1) G-cloud
contract with Brightly to provide us with the Confirm software. To
ensure the continuation of this critical service, we have approved
activation of the final 12 month extension of the contract. The 4th
year of the contract will run from 1st February 2024 to 31st
January 2025.
Lead officer: Louise Baker
07/09/2023 - Refurbishment of Beaufort House ref: 1813 Recommendations Approved
To ensure compliance with current legislation
and PAS 2035 requirements.
Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Decision published: 11/09/2023
Effective from: 07/09/2023
In line with Housing Investment Programme
2023/24, contract to install new A1/A2 cladding system, new
windows, new roof and Automatic opening Vent to stairwells ensuring
compliance with current legislation and PAS 2035
Lead officer: Louise Baker
07/09/2023 - Refurbishment and upgrade of low-rise blocks at Vincent Close. ref: 1812 Recommendations Approved
To maintain our stock to safe standard and to
meet current legislation
Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Decision published: 11/09/2023
Effective from: 07/09/2023
Approval to award a contract to carry out
refurbishment work at Vincent Close. To secure the services of an
architect to design the refurbishment and upgrade of 4 no low-rise
blocks at Vincent Close.
Lead officer: Louise Baker
07/09/2023 - Communal minor works contract ref: 1811 Recommendations Approved
To maintain our stock to safe standard and to
meet current legislation.
Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Decision published: 11/09/2023
Effective from: 07/09/2023
Approval to award a new framework contract to
carry out communal minor refurbishment works worth up to
£6,000,000 in total (including options).
Lead officer: Louise Baker