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Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Decisions published

16/05/2024 - Decision to agree to support for seven resettled Afghan families in serviced apartments for up to 12 months in Bristol. ref: 2176    Recommendations Approved

This report confirms the decision to agree to accept a grant to support seven (7) Afghan families (35 people) who are being placed in serviced accommodation by the Home Office from Pakistan.

Decision Maker: Executive Director: Adult & Communities

Decision published: 24/07/2024

Effective from: 16/05/2024


The Section 151 Officer and Executive Director of Adults and Communities met on 16 May 2024 and gave approval to accept and spend the grant.
Section 3 of the Grant Bid and Claim Protocol, Exceptional Approval process allows the Executive Director and Section 151 Officer to take a decision which must be followed with a retrospective decision. This report follows up this emergency decision with a retrospective decision by ASC Committee following the decision-making pathway.

Lead officer: Hugh Evans

23/05/2024 - Rock Salt Supply & Purchase 2024 - 2027 ref: 2167    Recommendations Approved

The Highway Services Department has a duty to maintain all highways maintainable at public expense within the city boundaries under section 41 of the Highways Act 1980. In particular, a highway authority is under a duty to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that safe passage along a highway is not endangered by snow or ice. Rock salt is required to de-ice highways.

Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration

Decision published: 16/07/2024

Effective from: 23/05/2024


Approval to award a contract for the supply and delivery of de-icing rock salt, following a compliant procurement process in accordance with BCC procurement policy.

Lead officer: John Smith

21/05/2024 - Bristol Central Library roof replacement. ref: 2139    Recommendations Approved

To carry out essential roof maintenance to an important building. An open tender was run to ensure fair process in adherence with Bristol City Council procurement rule

Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration

Decision published: 26/06/2024

Effective from: 21/05/2024


Approval to award the contract to carry out repairs to the roof of Bristol Central Library.
The contract will be awarded to the winning bidder in accordance with BCC Procurement regulations.

Lead officer: John Smith

29/05/2024 - Change Request for the Mission Net Zero Project ref: 2101    Recommendations Approved

To align the project structure to better fit Innovate UK’s procedures and contribute to the achievement of council and city climate goals

Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration

Decision published: 04/06/2024

Effective from: 29/05/2024


To request from Innovate UK an amendment to the project to add Living Places as a partner and to transfer budget of £780k from Bristol City Council to Living Places Ltd. This replaces the previous arrangement for the work to be undertaken with Living Places as a contractor to Bristol City Council. The change request also includes minor amendments to facilitate Project Partner, the Centre for Sustainable Energy to make sub-grants to community organisations and some minor movements of budgets within their overall budget envelope.
This is in line with the decision of Cabinet on 23 January 2024 which authorises the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration to make any amendments to the project as necessary for successful delivery.

Lead officer: John Smith

22/05/2024 - South Bristol Crematoria – Servicing, Maintenance and Repairs ref: 2100    Recommendations Approved

This was a request to directly award the works to Facultatieve Technologies Ltd who manufactured and installed the cremators and carry out the servicing which has resulted in the works required. The works are wholly controlled by Facultatieve Technologies Ltd and no reasonably satisfactory alternative is available. Therefore, the essential requirements for servicing and maintenance of the cremators can only be met by a single supplier.

Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration

Decision published: 29/05/2024

Effective from: 22/05/2024


Decision to direct award the contract to Facultatieve Technologies Ltd for servicing, maintenance and repairs to existing specialist equipment.

Lead officer: John Smith

28/05/2024 - 190-196 Romney Avenue- Easi-space Removal of Modules ref: 2099    Recommendations Approved

This decision is made in accordance with The Project 1000 Affordable Housing Delivery Plan 2022-25 and outlines how the council will focus its land, time, money, and influence to improve the way affordable housing is delivered in Bristol.
The council’s ambition is to work with partners, local communities and developers to deliver 1000 new affordable homes each year by 2024.
To develop this plan, we have reviewed the successes and challenges of previous housing projects in Bristol. We will use these experiences to determine how we can support the affordable homes that the city needs.

Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration

Decision published: 28/05/2024

Effective from: 28/05/2024


To approve entering into contract with Easi-space Ltd for the dismantling and removal of modules relating to 190-196 Romney Avenue.

Lead officer: John Smith

17/05/2024 - Inflationary increases to various civil penalties enforced by the Private Housing Service. ref: 2098    Recommendations Approved

The current penalty amounts are out of date and to maintain their relevant and deterrent effect need to be updated.

Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration

Decision published: 20/05/2024

Effective from: 17/05/2024


The Council has a number of policies determining the level of a civil penalty when the policies were first agreed which have not been increased since. These are enforced by the Private Housing Service.
This decision increases the penalties, so they maintain their deterrent effect. None of the penalties will exceed the relevant statutory maximum penalties. The penalties have been increased by the rate of inflation since they were first agreed (unless as stated). The inflation calculator uses the Consumer Price Index (CPI) as this is the measure used by the Government.

Lead officer: John Smith

15/05/2024 - Old City/Queen Charlotte St/King St improvement project ref: 2097    Recommendations Approved

Most suitable to use organisation that designed the scheme (Strategic Partner) to manage the construction.

Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration

Decision published: 20/05/2024

Effective from: 15/05/2024


To approve a variation in our contract with the Strategic Partner (Arup) for the King St/Queen Charlotte St/Old City improvement project. This variation allows Partner (Arup) to manage the construction (in an NEC4 PM and Site Supervisor capacity).

Lead officer: John Smith

13/03/2024 - Old City, Queen Charlotte Street and King Street Pedestrianisation Scheme ref: 2096    Recommendations Approved

The aim of the project is to make the Old City and King Street area pedestrian-friendly by restricting vehicle movements within the project area to encourage walking and cycling, reduce air pollution, make more street space available for commercial and cultural activities, and improve accessibility. The scheme requires construction by an external contractor.

Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration

Decision published: 20/05/2024

Effective from: 13/03/2024


To enter into the contract with ETM to complete the Highways improvement works in the Old City, Queen Charlotte St and King St.

Lead officer: John Smith

08/05/2024 - Permission to spend Safer Options Grant 2024/25 ref: 2095    Recommendations Approved

Bristol City Council were informed at the end of February 2022 that the Home Office would be offering the Avon and Somerset violence reduction partnership a three-year financial settlement. In addition, this financial settlement included an uplift on previous years recognises other aligned grant funding streams which were introduced in 2021-22 in response to national rises in serious violence through the second half of the pandemic. The OPCC for Avon

Decision Maker: Director: Children & Families

Decision published: 20/05/2024

Effective from: 08/05/2024


To accept and spend the Safer Options Grant 2024/25 in the sum £389,947 received from the Home Office.via the OPCC for Avon

Lead officer: Hannah Woodhouse

13/05/2024 - Temporary Accommodation Project. ref: 2094    Recommendations Approved

The “Temporary Accommodation” cabinet report of 6 June 2023 sets out the approval for spend of up to £21.4m (for the four corporate transformation programmes), of which £14.0m will be designated from within corporate held resources as outlined in the finance commentary.
Authorise the Chief Executive in consultation with the Director of Finance and Deputy Mayor for Finance, Governance and Performance to take all steps required to procure and award a contract for a transformation consulting partner (which may be above the key decision threshold and subject to an urgent decision with a retrospective report to Cabinet) to provide oversight and assurance and support delivery across the portfolio of four transformation programmes.
Cabinet recommendation specific to the Temporary Accommodation Programme:
That Cabinet:
1. Approves spend of up to £0.8m, to support the delivery of the Temporary Accommodation Program of which £0.3m will be the initial drawdown from the £14m and £0.5m is funded through other sources.
2. Notes the project’s objectives, approach and timeline as outlined in this report.
3. Approves the spend for 23/24 for the project and notes the funding sources identified as outlined in this report.
4. Authorises the Executive Director – Growth and Regeneration in consultation with Cabinet member with responsibility for Housing Delivery and Homes and the Director of Finance (S151 Officer) to spend up to £300k or as required within the overall transformation programmes budget approved with the agreement of CLB, to deliver the Temporary Accommodation project including procuring and awarding contracts above the key decision threshold, as outlined in this report.
5. Authorises Executive Director – Growth and Regeneration in consultation with Cabinet member with responsibility for Housing Delivery and Homes and the Director of Finance (S151 Officer) to take all steps required to recommission the Emergency Accommodation Framework including to invoke any subsequent extensions/variations required as outlined in this report.
This decision will secure the Strategic Partnerships (Arcadis) professional services required to provide leadership for the transformation programme. Arcadis will provide leadership for the transformation programme, working with other internal stakeholders to ensure cross department solutions and the commissioning of new workstreams.

Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration

Decision published: 20/05/2024

Effective from: 13/05/2024


Approval to award a contract to Arcadis for the provision of professional services in relation to overseeing the existing programme of savings that have been commissioned in 23/24 as part of the TA Transformation Programme (£3.9m of savings in plan for 24/25).

Lead officer: John Smith