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Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Decisions published

28/11/2024 - Home to School Travel Electric Vehicle Fleet ref: 2351    Recommendations Approved

To seek approval for the purchase of electric vehicles to create a fleet to be used by Bristol City Council

Decision Maker: Children and Young People Policy Committee

Made at meeting: 28/11/2024 - Children and Young People Policy Committee

Decision published: 28/11/2024

Effective from: 06/12/2024


That the Committee for Children & Young People:


1. Approved the Home To School Travel Fleet Full Business Case (Appendix H) to implement an in-house Home To School Travel Fleet using BCC vehicles and staff.


2. Authorised the Executive Director for Children and Education in consultation with Chair of the Children and Young People’s Committee to take all steps required to procure and award the contract for the purchase of electric vehicles, in-line with the maximum budget envelopes and as outlined in this report.


3. Authorised the Executive Director for Children and Education to take all steps required to extend the scope of use of the Fleet beyond HTST to deliver savings and benefits to other BCC depts

Lead officer: Gail Rogers

28/11/2024 - Children and Young People Policy Committee Update Report ref: 2353    Information Only

To inform the committee of the developments across Children and Families services and Education and Skills.

Decision Maker: Children and Young People Policy Committee

Made at meeting: 28/11/2024 - Children and Young People Policy Committee

Decision published: 28/11/2024

Effective from: 06/12/2024


That Children and Young People Committee RESOLVED:

To note the update on the delivery and performance of children’s services in line with the statutory expectations of the Director of Children’s Services. The report identified key challenges and risks for consideration, areas of progress, and upcoming activity.

Lead officer: Hannah Woodhouse

22/11/2024 - Finance Report Update P5 2024/25 ref: 2346    Information Only

To present the Committee with the latest detailed financial outturn report.

Decision Maker: Public Health and Communities Policy Committee

Made at meeting: 22/11/2024 - Public Health and Communities Policy Committee

Decision published: 22/11/2024

Effective from: 22/11/2024


That the Committee for Public Health and Communities noted:

1.      The Public Health and Communities General Fund forecast outturn revenue position of a balanced position with no variance to budget at Q2/P5 2024/25.

2.      The breakeven position on Public Health Grant funded services (Appendix A1).

3.      The forecast underspend of £1.7 million against the Capital Programme revised budget 2024/25. (Appendix A1)

Lead officer: Christina Gray, Patsy Mellor

22/11/2024 - Director of Public Health Annual Report 24-25 ref: 2345    Information Only

To note the annual report of the Director for Public Health which is a statutory duty for the Director for Public Health.

Decision Maker: Public Health and Communities Policy Committee

Made at meeting: 22/11/2024 - Public Health and Communities Policy Committee

Decision published: 22/11/2024

Effective from: 22/11/2024


That the Public Health and Communities Committee:

1.      Noted the Director of Public Health annual report at Appendix A of the report.


Lead officer: Christina Gray

18/11/2024 - Confidential report ref: 2340    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Strategy and Resources Policy Committee

Made at meeting: 18/11/2024 - Strategy and Resources Policy Committee

Decision published: 20/11/2024

Effective from: 18/11/2024


The Committee agreed that under Section 100 (A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for this item of business on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Act.  The Committee took a decision on this matter in exempt session. 


Lead officer: Alex Hearn

18/11/2024 - Estate rationalisation - surplus asset disposals ref: 2341    For Determination

To seek approval to the disposal or re-purposing of Bristol City Council assets.

Decision Maker: Strategy and Resources Policy Committee

Made at meeting: 18/11/2024 - Strategy and Resources Policy Committee

Decision published: 20/11/2024

Effective from: 18/11/2024


Note: The Committee agreed to defer this report.

Lead officer: Pete Anderson

18/11/2024 - Household Support Fund 6 (October 2024 to March 2025) ref: 2338    Recommendations Approved

To seek approval of the Household Support Fund (HSF) Policy and approval to accept and spend the HSF funding.

Decision Maker: Strategy and Resources Policy Committee

Made at meeting: 18/11/2024 - Strategy and Resources Policy Committee

Decision published: 20/11/2024

Effective from: 18/11/2024


The Committee RESOLVED (unanimously):


1. To approve the Household Support Fund Policy October 2024 - March 2025 and change of budget to reflect the funding as outlined in the report.


2. To authorise the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Chair of the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee, to take all steps required to accept and spend (including procuring and awarding contracts over £500k) the remaining £3 million of the extended allocation of the DWP Household Support Fund as outlined in Household Support Fund Policy October 2024 – March 2025, and up to the maximum budget envelope outlined in this report.


3. To note the finance urgent key decision taken in September 2024 to spend £1,021,500 of the Household Support Fund in respect of Free School Meals food vouchers over the October and Christmas school holidays.



Lead officer: Graham Clapp

18/11/2024 - Period 6 Finance outturn report 2024/25 ref: 2339    Recommendations Approved

To present the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee with the latest financial outturn report and identify any additional financial approvals that are required.

Decision Maker: Strategy and Resources Policy Committee

Made at meeting: 18/11/2024 - Strategy and Resources Policy Committee

Decision published: 20/11/2024

Effective from: 18/11/2024


The Committee RESOLVED:


To note:

1. The council’s General Fund forecast outturn revenue overspend of £18.9 million at P6 2024/25against the council approved budget of £533.7 million.

2. The performance on delivery of savings (Appendix A1, Section 3, Tables 3a and 3b).

3. The additional weighted net risk of £5.6 million per the risks and opportunities register (Appendix A1, Section 4, Tables 4a and 4b)

4. The council’s outturn position of £14.2 million overspend within the Housing Revenue Account to be transferred to the HRA general reserve at the year end (Appendix A1a, Section 5.3).

5. The council’s outturn position of a £31.6 million overspend (net £15.0m) in the Dedicated Schools Grant and that this brings the carry forward deficit to £90.2 million. Following the application of the DfE’s 24/25 Safety Valve combined with contribution from the General Fund a total £52.1 million is forecast to be carried forward at the year end in the DSG deficit reserve (Appendix A1, Section 5.4).

6. The breakeven position on Public Health services (Appendix A1, Section 5.5).

7. The breakeven position on the Bristol Harbour Fund. (Appendix A1, Section 5.6).

8. The council’s forecast underspend of £34.2 million against the Capital Programme revised budget 2024/25, comprised of £15.5 million underspend on the General Fund (including £8.1 million underspend on corporate contingency and adjustments) and £18.7 million underspend on the HRA. (Appendix A1, Section 6).

9. That SCIL budget allocation of £5.0 million will be utilised to support the Investment in the ‘New Cut’ harbour wall works to repair and strengthen the River Avon New Cut retaining walls. (Appendix A1, Section 6.4).

10. The urgent key decision by the Chief Executive in consultation with the Chair of Strategy and Resources Committee to approve spend of £1,021,500 to assist 22,700 free school meals food vouchers for the October and Christmas 2024 school holidays. (Appendix A3).


To approve (6 members voting in favour and 3 against):

- Revisions to the revised Capital Budget to incorporate the reprofiling of up to £18.7 million HRA budget into future years following the £18.7 million forecast underspend at P6.


Lead officer: Tony Kirkham

11/11/2024 - Budget for feasibility study for New Bristol Special Free School ref: 2344    Recommendations Approved

As part of the work to increase specialist education provision for children

Decision Maker: Executive Director: Children & Education (DCS)

Decision published: 20/11/2024

Effective from: 11/11/2024


Approval of budget for feasibility stage assessments for New Bristol Special Free School

Lead officer: Hannah Woodhouse

08/11/2024 - Prisoners Building Homes (PBH) – Application for support to deliver Temporary Accommodation and Supported Housing Projects ref: 2343    Recommendations Approved

Prisoners Building Homes (PBH) unlocks land to deliver affordable, high-quality, low carbon, eco-friendly, sustainable homes nationally.
PBH creates job opportunities for serving prisoners and prison leavers to enable them to turn their lives around and reduce the cycle of reoffending
PBH started out as a pilot scheme in South West England. Funded by five Police and Crime Commissioners and the One Public Estate programme, which is managed by the Cabinet Office, the Local Government Association, and the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.
Bristol City Council is already working with PBH on a number of Temporary Accommodation and Supported Housing Projects the first of which will complete later in 2024 and will provide 6 self contained temporary accommodation homes to assist in addressing our TA requirements.
PBH is able to offer support and funding to the value of £10k per home for pre development costs to derisk and bring forward sites.

Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration

Decision published: 20/11/2024

Effective from: 08/11/2024


To agree that officers can make an application to Prisoners Building Homes for support to derisk small sites for the delivery of Temporary Accommodation and Supported Housing.

Lead officer: John Smith

19/09/2024 - Community Payback Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Justice. ref: 2342    Recommendations Approved

The Ministry of Justice has for the first time asked the council to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that frames our work with Community Payback and its Community Service Volunteers.
The Council through the Neighbourhood Enforcement and Street Scene Team has been working closely with Community Payback since 2017, and the Project Development Officer has had the role of managing this relationship and tasking Community Payback Teams up to three times per week.
There is no financial consideration to this MOU, but the council does supply Community Payback with some materials such as bin liners, paint, and litter pickers, and the provision of a waste collection service when needed.

Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration

Decision published: 20/11/2024

Effective from: 19/09/2024


Agreement to sign the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Justice and Bristol City Council.

Lead officer: John Smith