- Decision register Content
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.
02/10/2024 - Funding for the West of England Food and Drink Sector Initiative ref: 2275 Recommendations Approved
This is a delegated decision following
committee approval at Economy and Skills Committee on 30 September
2024 with a decision report to enter into a grant agreement with
the West of England Combined Authority to receive grant funding and
deliver the West of England Food and Drink Sector Initiative.
Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Decision published: 03/10/2024
Effective from: 02/10/2024
To enter into a grant agreement with the West
of England Combined Authority to receive £500,000 of
Investment Fund grant and use the grant funds to lead delivery of
the West of England Food and Drink Sector Initiative.
Lead officer: John Smith
11/09/2024 - Hartcliffe and Withywood - Community Domestic Abuse Project ref: 2274 Recommendations Approved
Hartcliffe and Withywood ward has been
identified as the area where the reporting of domestic abuse
incidents and crimes is the highest in Bristol. It is also the ward
in Bristol where the highest percentage of people think domestic
abuse is a private matter. It has therefore been decided to
undertake some focussed work with residents to identify some
projects which would:
1. Help to raise awareness/ prevent domestic abuse
2. Provide ongoing support to enable survivors of domestic abuse to
progress and prosper.
It is intended that this work should complement commissioned
domestic abuse services which provide support to victims at the
point of crisis.
Decision Maker: Director: Communities & Public Health
Decision published: 02/10/2024
Effective from: 11/09/2024
To award a grant of £37,500 per annum
for 3 years (total £112,500) to Hartcliffe and Withywood
Community Partnership (HWCP) to enable them to work with local
residents to develop community projects that will work towards the
prevention of, and recovery from domestic abuse.
Lead officer: Hugh Evans
26/09/2024 - Waste Collection Re-route Information Paper ref: 2267 Recommendations Approved
An information update, for noting, on the recent household waste collection re-routing and recent work undertaken to improve the service for residents.
Decision Maker: Environment and Sustainability Policy Committee
Made at meeting: 26/09/2024 - Environment and Sustainability Policy Committee
Decision published: 30/09/2024
Effective from: 26/09/2024
The Committee RESOLVED:To note the information paper.
Lead officer: Pete Anderson
26/09/2024 - Finance Update Report ref: 2268 Recommendations Approved
To present the Committee with the latest
detailed financial outturn report.
Decision Maker: Environment and Sustainability Policy Committee
Made at meeting: 26/09/2024 - Environment and Sustainability Policy Committee
Decision published: 30/09/2024
Effective from: 26/09/2024
The Committee RESOLVED:
To note the contents of the report on the Period 4 finance forecast for Environment and Sustainability.
Lead officer: Tony Kirkham
30/09/2024 - De-designation approach, performance update & securing biodiversity net gain on Council owned land ref: 2273 Information Only
1) To agree the approach to seeking
de-designation on non-major planning applications.
2) To provide an update on current performance against key
indicators for measuring the quality and speed of the development
management service delivery; and
3) To agree in principle the approach of entering into a legal
arrangement with neighbouring authorities to secure biodiversity
net gain (BNG) delivery on Bristol City Council (BCC) owned land
for Bristol City Council (BCC) schemes,
Decision Maker: Economy and Skills Policy Committee
Made at meeting: 30/09/2024 - Economy and Skills Policy Committee
Decision published: 30/09/2024
Effective from: 30/09/2024
The Committee RESOLVED:
1. To endorse the suggested approach regarding pursuing de-designation in October 2024 by preparing and submitting the de-designation request to MHCLG as outlined in this report.
2. To note the update regarding planning performance; and
3. To endorse the suggested approach regarding securing BNG implementation on BCC owned land and supporting adjacent local authorities to secure BNG implementation on their land, including the Director of Legal and Democratic Services negotiating and completing s.101 agreements with adjacent local authorities, in consultation with the Director of Growth and Regeneration, for the purposes of:
a. delegating local planning authority functions under section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for specific BCC owned land and for the purposes of off-site BNG provision only; and
b. taking on delegated local planning authority functions under section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for land owned by the relevant adjacent local authority for the purposes of off-site BNG provision only.
Lead officer: Simone Wilding
30/09/2024 - WECA Investment Fund grant funding for food and hospitality sector specific support initiative ref: 2272 Recommendations Approved
To seek approval to accept and spend grant funding from the West of England Combined Authority (WoE CA) to fund the delivery of the regional food and drink sector initiative and delegate the award of contracts and other necessary commitments within the Council schemes of delegation.
Decision Maker: Economy and Skills Policy Committee
Made at meeting: 30/09/2024 - Economy and Skills Policy Committee
Decision published: 30/09/2024
Effective from: 08/10/2024
The Committee RESOLVED (unaimously):
1. To approve the proposal for the Council to be the lead and accountable body for the WoE Food and Drink Sector Initiative.
2. To authorise the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration in consultation with the Chair of the Economy and Skills Committee and Director Finance to take all steps required to accept the funding including acceptance of the terms of the Grant Offer Letter.
Lead officer: Anesa Kritah
30/09/2024 - Bristol Operations Centre Tech Upgrade Project ref: 2271 Recommendations Approved
To report on the progress of the capital
project to upgrade the critical Bristol Operations Centre (BOC)
Technology and seek permission to bid for further capital in the
budget setting process to complete the upgrade in 25/26 -
Decision Maker: Economy and Skills Policy Committee
Made at meeting: 30/09/2024 - Economy and Skills Policy Committee
Decision published: 30/09/2024
Effective from: 08/10/2024
The Committee RESOLVED (unanimously):
1. To approve the submission of further capital bid (of up to £1.14m) to complete phase 2 of the project in accordance with the Finance Scheme of Delegations.
2. To authorise the Executive Director for Growth and Regeneration in consultation with the Chair of the Economy and Skills Committee and S151 officer, to proceed with the Bristol Operations Centre (BOC) Technology Digital phase 1 and phase 2 (subject to approval of the further capital bid to be agreed by Council as part of the Council’s budget process), up to revised budget envelope (including procuring and awarding contracts over the key decision threshold) as outlined in the report.
Lead officer: Emma Howarth
27/09/2024 - City Centre Prom Cycle Route – budget transfer ref: 2270 Recommendations Approved
Bristol City Council wishes to transfer budget
to a new capital code, in order to deliver cycle lane improvements
around the city centre prom, as per a decision taken in
consultation with the Chair of the Transport and Connectivity
Committee 5 September 2024.
Decision Maker: Director: Economy of Place
Decision published: 27/09/2024
Effective from: 27/09/2024
The Director of Economy of Place (in
consultation with the Executive Director for Growth and
Regeneration and the Chair of the Transport and Connectivity
Committee) has formally authorised the transfer of £100,000
budget from Bristol Family Cycling Centre budget to the City Centre
Prom Cycle Route budget. Please note that the Bristol Family
Cycling Centre (Integrated Transport Block) budget being
transferred is historic underspend that is no longer required due
to WECA funding.
Lead officer: Alex Hearn
26/09/2024 - Bristol One City Climate Action and Investment Plan ref: 2264 Recommendations Approved
1. To seek approval to submit the Bristol One
City Climate Commitments, Action Plan and Investment Plan to the
Climate Neutral and Smart Cities Mission initiative for their
2. To delegate authority to the Executive Director: Growth and
Regeneration to deal with any feedback from the Mission
3. To seek approval for continued participation in the Climate
Neutral and Smart Cities Mission initiative.
Decision Maker: Environment and Sustainability Policy Committee
Made at meeting: 26/09/2024 - Environment and Sustainability Policy Committee
Decision published: 26/09/2024
Effective from: 05/10/2024
The Committee RESOLVED (unanimously)
- To approve the submission version of the Bristol One City Climate Commitments, Action Plan and Investment Plan to support the achievement of the council’s and city’s climate objectives.
- To agree submission of these documents to the Climate Neutral and Smart Cities Mission initiative for their endorsement.
- To delegate to Executive Director for Growth & Regeneration authority, in consultation with the Chair of the Environment and Sustainability Committee, to amend the documents and take other necessary steps to respond to the feedback, in order to secure the endorsement above.
- To endorse the council’s continued participation in the Climate Neutral and Smart Cities Mission initiative and to delegate to Executive Director for Growth & Regeneration authority, in consultation with the Chair of the Environment and Sustainability Committee, to take steps as necessary to secure benefits for Bristol from participation in the initiative.
Lead officer: Alex Hearn
26/09/2024 - Bristol Tree and Woodland Strategy ref: 2266 Recommendations Approved
To endorse the Bristol Tree and Woodland Strategy that was approved by the One City Environment Board on 22 February 2024.
Decision Maker: Environment and Sustainability Policy Committee
Made at meeting: 26/09/2024 - Environment and Sustainability Policy Committee
Decision published: 26/09/2024
Effective from: 26/09/2024
The Committee RESOLVED (unanimously)
1. To endorse the Bristol Tree and Woodland Strategy and provide its commitment to take actions forward in the strategy, which are subject to resources.
Lead officer: Jonathan James
03/09/2024 - East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhoods, Trial scheme installation ref: 2269 Recommendations Approved
Following a tender process via the
Council’s Highways Framework, the first phase of the East
Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood scheme is due to be installed during
the autumn of 2024.
This officer decision notice is in relation to awarding the
contract to the successful contractor, ETM ltd with a bid of
A previous delegated decision on 4 April 2023 authorised the
Executive Director for Growth and Regeneration, in consultation
with the Committee Chair and the S151 officer to take all steps
required to procure and award all necessary contracts up to the
value of £1.371m (including any individual contracts over
£0.500m) to deliver the scheme, which this 473k sits
Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Decision published: 26/09/2024
Effective from: 03/09/2024
To approve the tender report to commence the
construction of the trial East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood
Lead officer: John Smith
26/09/2024 - Green Gas ref: 2265 Recommendations Approved
To seek confirmation of Bristol City Council policy on Green Gas as a carbon offsetting mechanism.
Decision Maker: Environment and Sustainability Policy Committee
Made at meeting: 26/09/2024 - Environment and Sustainability Policy Committee
Decision published: 26/09/2024
Effective from: 05/10/2024
The Committee RESOLVED (unanimously)
To approve the expansion of the use of green gas to meet the gas demand of all BCC sites included within the 2025 carbon neutrality target as a decarbonisation measure in line with the procurement approach set out in this report.
Lead officer: Pete Anderson
23/09/2024 - Supply of liquid Fuel (Petrol) For Bristol City Council Vehicles ref: 2263 Recommendations Approved
This Framework Agreement is to allow Bristol
City Council, Fleet Services to commission the supply of liquid
fuels (petrol) for Bristol City Council Vehicles. This framework
provides requirements for liquid fuels from numerous local
authorities and therefore results in a large capacity requirement
to potential providers. Hence a greater buying power than
undertaking an individual tendering exercise in a volatile pricing
Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Decision published: 25/09/2024
Effective from: 23/09/2024
Approval of a Framework Agreement to
commission the supply of Liquid Fuels (Petrol) for Bristol City
Council Vehicles.
Lead officer: John Smith
20/09/2024 - Housing Complaints Performance and Service Improvement Report 2023 - 2024 ref: 2258 Information Only
To provide an update to the Homes and Housing
Delivery Policy Committee on the Annual Complaints Performance and
Service Improvement Report for complaints handled by Bristol City
Council (BCC) Landlord Services
Decision Maker: Homes and Housing Delivery Policy Committee
Made at meeting: 20/09/2024 - Homes and Housing Delivery Policy Committee
Decision published: 23/09/2024
Effective from: 20/09/2024
The Committee RESOLVED:
Lead officer: Miles Tilling
20/09/2024 - Draft Bristol Private Rented Sector Strategy options paper ref: 2260 Recommendations Approved
To update the Committee on the Private Rented Sector Strategy and outline the options going forward.
Decision Maker: Homes and Housing Delivery Policy Committee
Made at meeting: 20/09/2024 - Homes and Housing Delivery Policy Committee
Decision published: 23/09/2024
Effective from: 20/09/2024
The Committee RESOLVED:
· That the Committee for Homes and Housing Delivery temporarily pause the development of a Private Rented Sector Strategy until the new national policy agenda has been implemented.
Lead officer: Tim Borrett
20/09/2024 - Mobility Scooter Policy ref: 2255 Recommendations Approved
To seek approval to adopt a revised policy and process for the management of mobility scooters in blocks of flats including a new enforcement approach.
Decision Maker: Homes and Housing Delivery Policy Committee
Made at meeting: 20/09/2024 - Homes and Housing Delivery Policy Committee
Decision published: 23/09/2024
Effective from: 20/09/2024
The Committee RESOLVED:
· That the revised policy and process for the management of mobility scooters in blocks of flats including an enforcement approach (if necessary/required) are approved by the Committee for implementation.
Lead officer: Miles Tilling
20/09/2024 - Tackling Homelessness Transformation Programme (quarterly) ref: 2256 Information Only
To provide an update on the Tackling
Homelessness Transformation Programme.
Decision Maker: Homes and Housing Delivery Policy Committee
Made at meeting: 20/09/2024 - Homes and Housing Delivery Policy Committee
Decision published: 23/09/2024
Effective from: 20/09/2024
The Committee RESOLVED:
Lead officer: Paul Sylvester
20/09/2024 - Housing & Consumer Standards Programme (H&CSP) and Compliance Update ref: 2257 Recommendations Approved
To provide an update for the
Decision Maker: Homes and Housing Delivery Policy Committee
Made at meeting: 20/09/2024 - Homes and Housing Delivery Policy Committee
Decision published: 23/09/2024
Effective from: 20/09/2024
The Committee RESOLVED:
1. Note the Housing & Consumer Standards Programme (H&CSP) Improvement Plan summary.
2. Note the business as usual (BAU) and H&CSP Landlord Compliance performance updates.
3. Approves the proposed enhanced strategic reporting suite covering the council’s social landlord function.
4. Notes the update on landlord compliance and building safety related corporate risks.
5. Notes the summary H&CSP governance map.
6. Approves the Learning and Development proposal for the Homes & Housing Delivery Committee.
Lead officer: Richard James
20/09/2024 - Finance Report Update ref: 2259 Information Only
To present the Committee with the latest
detailed financial outturn report.
Decision Maker: Homes and Housing Delivery Policy Committee
Made at meeting: 20/09/2024 - Homes and Housing Delivery Policy Committee
Decision published: 23/09/2024
Effective from: 20/09/2024
The Committee RESOLVED:
Lead officer: Sarah Chodkiewicz
28/08/2024 - Intelligent Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system for Citizen Services ref: 2261 Recommendations Approved
The Channel Shift Project, part of the Digital
Transformation Programme approved by Cabinet in July 2022, aims to
reduce Citizen Services operating costs by promoting digital and
self-service options.
This decision concerns the procurement of an intelligent
Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system to handle simple enquiries
from citizens calling the Citizen Service Centre (CSC).
The system will use publicly available information to resolve
queries without advisor intervention, potentially handling about
59,000 calls annually.
This is expected to reduce avoidable contact, lower CSC operating
costs, and improve citizen experience by providing 24/7 access to
information and quicker resolution for simple enquiries.
Decision Maker: Director: Policy, Strategy and Digital
Decision published: 23/09/2024
Effective from: 28/08/2024
To approve the procurement of an intelligent
Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system for Citizen Services as
part of the Channel Shift Project. The system will be implemented
over three years, with projected cumulative net savings of
£385,000pa by Year 3.
Lead officer: Tim Borrett
19/09/2024 - Removal of GORAM Sites Hengrove Phase 1b and Baltic Wharf from the HRA Development Programme ref: 2254 Recommendations Approved
The approved HRA Development Programme
approved at Full Council in February 2024 included the purchase of
affordable homes (AH) from Goram and their LLP partners at Baltic
Wharf and Hengrove Phase 1B. It is now proposed to remove these two
developments from the programme.
Following a review of the current HRA Business Plan this Notice
reflects that there needs to be a reduction in the development
programme to address in year and future capital pressures,
particularly those associated with addressing the Consumer
Standards Regulatory Judgement from the Housing Regulator. Goram
have confirmed positive interest from the City’s HomesWest
Registered Provider (RP) partners in the affordable housing on
Removal of these two schemes from the HRA development programme
supports a reduction in the capital delivery programme but does not
reduce the number of affordable homes secured for the City.
Goram Homes have confirmed that the AH on offer at Baltic Wharf
will be in accordance with the mix of units secured at Planning.
There may be opportunities for the RP to acquire additional homes
with funding.
Goram have also confirmed they will offer the homes at Hengrove 1b
on the same tenure split as provisionally agreed with the HRA. The
affordable housing tenure split secured though planning will not
change. The unit mix for the additional funded homes will be
dependent of viability for the RP housing provider and Goram, as
would have been the case for the HRA as it entered into detailed
scheme appraisal and negotiations for the units. The delivery of
social rent homes remains a priority for all AH providers in the
Goram have confirmed they will use the Development Agreement with
the RP to secure the allocation of any social rented homes through
the Council’s HomeChoice system and in accordance with the
prevailing Allocation Scheme and HomeChoice Partnership
Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Decision published: 20/09/2024
Effective from: 19/09/2024
To approve the removal of the named GORAM
sites ' Baltic Wharf and Hengrove Phase 1B' not yet in contract
from the HRA business plan.
Lead officer: John Smith