Breadcrumb Content
29/01/2025 - Golden Motion - Save our Rivers: Stopping the Sewage Scandal
To respond in full to the Golden Motion
approved at Full Council on 12 November 2024
Decision Maker: Environment and Sustainability Policy Committee
Decision due date: 27/02/2025
Lead officer: Alex Hearn
Notice of decision: 29/01/2025
Anticipated restriction: Open
24/01/2025 - Property Transformation Programme: IT for Corporate Landlord spend
1. To seek approval to accept and spend
funding in relation to the Property Transformation Programme.
2. To seek approval to accept and spend Corporate Landlord service
budget in relation to an IT solution for the Service (including
Asset Management System).
Decision Maker: Strategy and Resources Policy Committee
Decision due date: 14/04/2025
Lead officer: Pete Anderson
Notice of decision: 24/01/2025
Anticipated restriction: Part exempt - view reasons
24/01/2025 - Procurement of a Supplier for Recruitment Advertising and Public Notices
To seek approval to procure a provider for
recruitment advertising and public notices using the Eastern Shires
Procurement Organisation (ESPO) framework and authorise the
Director of Workforce and Change in consultation with the Director
of Finance (S151 Officer) and Chair of Strategy and Resources
Committee to make the contract award.
Decision Maker: Strategy and Resources Policy Committee
Decision due date: 17/03/2025
Lead officer: James Brereton
Notice of decision: 24/01/2025
Anticipated restriction: Open
24/01/2025 - Debt and Write-Off Report
1. To provide an overview of the debt position
across revenues and benefits, parking services, the Housing Revenue
Account, Temporary Accommodation and sundry debt.
2. To provide detail of debts written off during the period 01
April 2024 to 30 September 2024
Decision Maker: Strategy and Resources Policy Committee
Decision due date: 17/03/2025
Lead officer: Graham Clapp
Notice of decision: 24/01/2025
Anticipated restriction: Part exempt - view reasons
19/12/2024 - Corporate Parenting Strategy Update
To provide an update on progress in delivering the commitments in the Corporate Parenting Strategy 2024-29
Decision Maker: Children and Young People Policy Committee
Decision due date: 06/03/2025
Lead officer: Liz Small
Notice of decision: 19/12/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
19/12/2024 - Extra Familial Harm strategy
To seek approval of the Extra Familial Harm strategy
Decision Maker: Children and Young People Policy Committee
Decision due date: 26/06/2025
Lead officer: Fiona Tudge
Notice of decision: 19/12/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
19/12/2024 - Youth engagement and post 16 education, training and employment
1. To provide up to date information about young people aged 14-21 in Bristol, including those who are at risk or have disengaged from education, employment and training.
2. To provide an overview of local authority youth focused statutory duties, strategies, plans, services, resources, and systems
3. To consider the results of a collaborative analysis of current youth focused services, together with some identified areas to improve our approach and outcomes.
4. To seek approval to hold detailed bid negotiations to secure grant funding from the West of England Mayoral Combined Authority for 14-21 services to secure improved outcomes
Decision Maker: Children and Young People Policy Committee
Decision due date: 06/03/2025
Lead officer: Jane Taylor
Notice of decision: 19/12/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
19/12/2024 - Bristol Dedicated Schools Grant Deficit Financial Management Plan update report
To provide an update on progress on managing the deficit within the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) High Needs Block as set out in the council’s DSG Financial Management Plan.
Decision Maker: Children and Young People Policy Committee
Decision due date: 06/03/2025
Lead officer: Vik Verma
Notice of decision: 19/12/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
19/12/2024 - Children and Young People Policy Committee Update Report
To provide an update to the committee of the developments across Children and Families services and Education and Skills
Decision Maker: Children and Young People Policy Committee
Decision due date: 06/03/2025
Lead officer: Hannah Woodhouse
Notice of decision: 19/12/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
19/12/2024 - Performance Management Report Q3 24/25
To provide an update on the Council's Performance Management Report for Q3 2024/25
Decision Maker: Children and Young People Policy Committee
Decision due date: 06/03/2025
Lead officer: Nick Smith
Notice of decision: 19/12/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
18/12/2024 - 2024/25 Finance Provisional Outturn Report
To present the Committee with the latest detailed financial outturn report and identify any additional financial approvals that are required.
Decision Maker: Strategy and Resources Policy Committee
Decision due date: Not before 01/05/2025
Lead officer: Andy Rothery
Notice of decision: 18/12/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
18/12/2024 - Financial Debt and Arrears across the Council
To report the debt position across the council as at 31 March 2025.
Decision Maker: Strategy and Resources Policy Committee
Decision due date: Not before 01/07/2025
Lead officer: Graham Clapp
Notice of decision: 18/12/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
18/12/2024 - Finance Exception Report (P11)
To present Strategy and Resources Committee
with the latest detailed financial outturn report and identify any
additional financial approvals that are required.
Decision Maker: Strategy and Resources Policy Committee
Decision due date: 14/04/2025
Lead officer: Andy Rothery
Notice of decision: 18/12/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
18/12/2024 - Q3 Quarterly Performance Progress Report – Q3 2024/25
To update on the council’s Performance
Management Report for Q3 2024/25
Decision Maker: Strategy and Resources Policy Committee
Decision due date: 17/03/2025
Lead officer: Rebecca Baldwin-Cantello
Notice of decision: 18/12/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
18/12/2024 - Sounds of the South West Delivery Phase Funding Bid
To seek approval to bid to the National
Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) for the Delivery Phase of the Sounds
of the South West project and if successful approval to accept and
spend the grant.
Decision Maker: Strategy and Resources Policy Committee
Decision due date: 14/04/2025
Lead officer: Philip Walker
Notice of decision: 18/12/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
18/12/2024 - Q4 Corporate Risk Report
To provide an update of the current
significant strategic risks to achieving the council’s
objectives as set in the Corporate Strategy and summarises progress
in managing the risks/actions being taken for
each quarter.
Decision Maker: Strategy and Resources Policy Committee
Decision due date: 14/04/2025
Lead officer: Richard Young
Notice of decision: 18/12/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
18/12/2024 - Goram Homes - Pipeline of Housing Development Sites
To provide an update on the pipeline of housing development sites for allocation to Goram Homes, the council’s wholly owned housing company, and to seek approval for changes to the pipeline.
Decision Maker: Strategy and Resources Policy Committee
Decision due date: 17/03/2025
Lead officer: Louise Davidson
Notice of decision: 18/12/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
18/12/2024 - Household Support Fund 7
To seek approval of the Household Support
Policy and its proposed allocation, including change of budget to
reflect this funding.
Decision Maker: Strategy and Resources Policy Committee
Decision due date: 17/03/2025
Lead officer: Graham Clapp
Notice of decision: 18/12/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
20/11/2024 - District Heat Network connections – City Hall and Central Library
To seek approval to establish a connection to the District Heat Network and the cost associated with it.
Decision Maker: Environment and Sustainability Policy Committee
Decision due date: Not before 15/01/2026
Lead officer: Helen Reed
Notice of decision: 20/11/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
20/11/2024 - Nature Towns and Cities Grant Funding
To seek approval to apply for and spend the Nature Towns and Cities Grant.
Note: this item is dependent on external factors and may be removed.
Decision Maker: Environment and Sustainability Policy Committee
Decision due date: 03/04/2025
Lead officer: Alex Minshull
Notice of decision: 20/11/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
20/11/2024 - BCC Rooftops Purchase and Supply Agreement
To seek approval to set up a Power Purchase and Supply Agreement to buy the output from BCC rooftops
Decision Maker: Environment and Sustainability Policy Committee
Decision due date: Not before 26/02/2026
Lead officer: Helen Reed
Notice of decision: 20/11/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
20/11/2024 - Large scale renewables projects (PPA)
To seek approval to set up a Power Purchase
and Supply Agreement (PPSA) for the council to buy the output from
a new renewable energy system.
Decision Maker: Environment and Sustainability Policy Committee
Decision due date: Not before 26/02/2026
Lead officer: Helen Reed
Notice of decision: 20/11/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
20/11/2024 - Approach to Corporate Estate Decarbonisation
To seek approval for a model, agreed with City
Leap, on how the council will allocate capital and revenue to
decarbonise the estates
Decision Maker: Environment and Sustainability Policy Committee
Decision due date: 27/02/2025
Lead officer: Helen Reed
Notice of decision: 20/11/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
20/11/2024 - Q2 Quarterly Performance Progress Report - Q2 2024/25
To update on the council’s Performance
Management Report for Q2 2024/25
Decision Maker: Environment and Sustainability Policy Committee
Decision due date: 27/02/2025
Lead officer: Gavin Banks
Notice of decision: 20/11/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
20/11/2024 - Finance Update Report
To present the Committee with the latest
detailed financial outturn report.
Decision Maker: Environment and Sustainability Policy Committee
Decision due date: 27/02/2025
Lead officer: Sarah Chodkiewicz
Notice of decision: 20/11/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
20/11/2024 - Finance Update Report
To present the Committee with the latest
detailed financial outturn report.
Decision Maker: Environment and Sustainability Policy Committee
Decision due date: 03/04/2025
Lead officer: Sarah Chodkiewicz
Notice of decision: 20/11/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
20/11/2024 - Salix Energy Recycling Fund
To seek approval to close down the Salix energy efficiency recycling fund and set up a BCC recycling fund to replace it.
Note: This item is subject to availability of capital funding.
Decision Maker: Environment and Sustainability Policy Committee
Decision due date: 27/02/2025
Lead officer: Helen Reed
Notice of decision: 20/11/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
15/11/2024 - Finance Exception Report (P10)
To present Strategy and Resources Committee with the latest financial outturn report and identify any additional financial approvals that are required.
Decision Maker: Strategy and Resources Policy Committee
Decision due date: 17/03/2025
Lead officer: Andy Rothery
Notice of decision: 15/11/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
15/11/2024 - Property Transformation Programme: Quarterly Update Report
To provide an update on the Property
Transformation Programme.
Decision Maker: Strategy and Resources Policy Committee
Decision due date: 17/03/2025
Lead officer: Pete Anderson
Notice of decision: 15/11/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
15/11/2024 - Bristol Holding Limited Group Company Business Plans 2025/26
To approve the 2025/26 Business Plans for the
Bristol Holding Limited Group of companies.
Decision Maker: Strategy and Resources Policy Committee
Decision due date: 17/03/2025
Lead officer: Tim O'Gara
Notice of decision: 15/11/2024
Anticipated restriction: Part exempt - view reasons
23/07/2024 - Anti Racism in Settings Strategy
To seek approval of the Anti Racism in
Settings Strategy
Decision Maker: Children and Young People Policy Committee
Decision due date: Not before 01/09/2025
Lead officer: Susan Coombes
Notice of decision: 23/07/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open