- Decision register Content
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.
03/01/2025 - Mission Net Zero Project Monitoring and Evaluation Contract ref: 2410 Recommendations Approved
On 23 January 20243 Cabinet approved the
acceptance of funding for the Mission Net Zero Project and
delegated decision making on the implementation of the project to
officers. The Director Economy of Place is authorised in the
general scheme of delegation to make decisions up to a value of
This decision is to award a contract to the University of the West
of England to provide monitoring and evaluation services for the
Mission Net Zero Project.
Decision Maker: Director: Economy of Place
Decision published: 08/01/2025
Effective from: 03/01/2025
To award a contract to the Constellia in
accordance with Contract Award Report: PR9831- Mission Net Zero
Innovate Demonstrator - Monitoring and Evaluation.
Lead officer: Alex Hearn
11/10/2024 - CRSTS A37/A4018 Victoria Street Project Civil Engineering Contract Award ref: 2409 Recommendations Approved
To award the civil engineering contract for
the CRSTS A37/A4018 Victoria Street strategic corridor highway
improvements project to improve cycling and pedestrian
infrastructure throughout Victoria Street and associated side
Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 11/10/2024
To award the contract to the preferred bidder
ETM limited following the procurement process and supported by the
key decision taken at Cabinet on 6 February 2024 for the civil
engineering contract for the CRSTS A37/A4018 Victoria Street
strategic corridor highway improvements project to improve cycling
and pedestrian infrastructure throughout Victoria Street and
associated side roads.
Lead officer: John Smith
23/12/2024 - Families First Mobilisation Contract ref: 2408 Recommendations Approved
Nationally, as well as in Bristol, continued
increases in demand for statutory services is putting pressure on
teams and placement budgets. For those children that are taken into
care, their life chances can be significantly impaired.
A re-baselined full business case for the Families First programme
received internal council approval on 10th December following an
initial phase of discovery work carried out by Newton Europe. This
is the next step that aims to mobilise the programme at pace and
scope out the programme of work that will be used to go out to open
tender for the delivery phase.
Decision Maker: Executive Director: Children & Education (DCS)
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 23/12/2024
Bristol City Council has agreed to spend up to
£475,000 to commission Newton Europe to plan the programme of
work needed so that we can make and early start to process and run
the open tender process simultaneously
Lead officer: Hannah Woodhouse
03/12/2024 - Tender award for A4018 NEC Project Management team ref: 2407 Recommendations Approved
At its meeting on 4 October 2022, Cabinet
“Authorised the Executive Director, Growth and Regeneration,
in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport, to take all
steps required to spend the funding including to procure and award
the contract(s) (including individual contracts above
£500k)”. With the construction contractor now in place,
a contract is now required to appoint an NEC Project Management and
site supervision team, following a compliant tender process.
Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Decision published: 06/01/2025
Effective from: 03/12/2024
Approval to award a contract to Constellia via
the SEWTAPS framework for A4018 NEC Project Management team.
Lead officer: John Smith
10/12/2024 - WECA DIF Funding for Hengrove Park Enabling Infrastructure – ‘Pass Down Funding Agreement’ between the Council and Goram Homes. ref: 2406 Recommendations Approved
In September 2022 the Council secured external
grant funding of £19.8m from WECA to contribute towards the
costs of enabling infrastructure for the major new housing
development at Hengrove Park, which will deliver approximately 1400
new homes (50% of which will be Affordable Housing), a 22 hectare
new public park, and community and employment facilities.
The funding arrangements for the Hengrove Park WECA grant, and the
Council’s overall delivery approach for the Hengrove Park
development, are set out in the previous Cabinet Report approved in
October 2023.
Approximately £10.7m of the WECA funding is being used
directly by the Council to deliver enabling infrastructure projects
to accelerate the delivery of the homes at Hengrove Park, including
for example new highways junctions, sustainable travel
improvements, and enhanced public realm.
The other £9.1m will be passed by the Council to Goram Homes
(the council’s wholly owned local housing delivery company,
who are delivering the new development at Hengrove Park), to
deliver similar enabling infrastructure projects which Goram Homes
are best placed to deliver (because these works fit into an
integrated programme of development works that Goram Homes are
managing), including for example demolition works, new access
roads, landscaping and drainage works etc.
The purpose of this Officer Decision Notice (ODN) is to record a
decision taken by the Executive Director – Growth and
Regeneration, in accordance with the provisions of the previous
Cabinet Report and in consultation with the Director of Finance and
the relevant Policy Committee Chairs, to enter into a ‘pass
down funding agreement’ between BCC and Goram Homes; which
will enable a portion of the WECA funding to be spent on eligible
enabling infrastructure projects at Hengrove Park which Goram Homes
are delivering, and mirroring the terms of the overarching grant
funding agreement between WECA and BCC.
Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Decision published: 02/01/2025
Effective from: 10/12/2024
Decision taken by the Executive Director
– Growth and Regeneration, in accordance with the provisions
of the previous Cabinet Report and in consultation with the
Director of Finance and the relevant Policy Committee Chairs, to
enter into a ‘pass down funding agreement’ between BCC
and Goram Homes; which will enable a portion of the approved WECA
grant funding to be spent on eligible enabling infrastructure
projects at Hengrove Park which Goram Homes are delivering.
Lead officer: John Smith
11/12/2024 - Option Agreement relating to land at Baltic Wharf Caravan Club ref: 2405 Recommendations Approved
Cabinet decision on 04 September 2018
“Creation of the Housing Company” authorised the
Executive Director of Growth and Regeneration in consultation with
the Cabinet Member for Housing and the Service Director of Finance
to approve the transfer of land at Romney House, Lockleaze and the
Baltic Wharf Caravan Club site to the Housing Trading Company
(Goram Homes Limited) on terms to be agreed.
Baltic Wharf Caravan Site benefits from resolution to grant
planning permission subject to S106 (ref 21/01331/F) for the
‘Erection of residential dwellings, commercial floorspace,
integrated car and bicycle parking, refuse storage, landscaping and
associated infrastructure and services’. The proposed
development consists of 6 blocks and includes 166 residential units
comprising 40% affordable.
The Council was recently awarded Brownfield Land Release Fund grant
of £2,441,957 towards the scheme.
The option agreement is to be entered in advance of the land
contract and will enable Goram to secure an immediate legal
interest in the land and sign the S106 which will ultimately
benefit the overall programme delivery. The option will run for an
initial period of 12 months or the date the parties enter the land
contract (whichever is the later). The subsequent land contract
will ensure all key contractual terms and safeguards for the
Council with the value demonstrating best consideration.
It should be noted the option agreement will be completed prior to
the new Harbour Revision Order being in place.
Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Decision published: 02/01/2025
Effective from: 11/12/2024
Approval to enter into an initial option
agreement with Goram Homes in advance of the land contract and the
Harbour Revision Order.
Lead officer: John Smith