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Councillor Sultan Khan allow a by election in Eastville ward!

We the undersigned call upon councillor Sultan Khan to step aside so that a by election can be held in Eastville ward. Sultan Khan has left the Labour party, which is an anti austerity party, to join the Liberal Democrats, a party which enabled nearly a decade of austerity by entering into a coalition government with the Conservative party. The people of Eastville are particularly hard hit by austerity and overwhelmingly voted for Labour representation in the council and the commons. Sultan Khan should give the people of Eastville the opportunity to decide for themselves who represents them at the earliest available opportunity and not force them to wait until May 2020.

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Started by: oliver fortune

This ePetition ran from 30/08/2019 to 31/10/2019 and has now finished.

14 people signed this ePetition.