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ePetition details

Save Redland Library

We the undersigned ask the Mayor and Bristol City Council to reconsider the withdrawal of funding for Redland Library by the Library Service, which would be the outcome of any of the options within the Neighbourhood Consultation document published on 13 June 2017. We believe the Council should seek additional funding to keep a library service available to all communities in the City.

Redland Library is the third most-used branch library in the City, based on each of: total visits, items borrowed, computer users and active members.

It is well placed to serve several neighbourhoods, as shown in the wide range of postcodes of its users, and has good train and bus connections.

It has served as a public library since it was built in 1885, is on the Local List for its communal, architectural and historic value.

It provides a meeting place for parents with young children, and for the elderly, and is also increasingly being used as a community building out of library hours because of its good location and the lack of other community resources in the area

Started by: Merche Clark (Save Redland Library)

On reaching 3500 signatures a full council debate will be held.

This ePetition ran from 23/06/2017 to 31/08/2018 and has now finished.

6544 people signed this ePetition.