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Stop the cuts to Brislington buses

We the undersigned call on WECA and Bristol City Council to do everything within their power to prevent the cuts to the 36 and 96 buses, due to come into effect in October 2022, or to provide the residents of Brislington with a suitable alternative so that people are not left isolated and unable to access health services, schools, libraries and hospitals.

Brislington is one of the parts of the city most poorly served by public transport – this was acknowledged by the Council and WECA in the 2021 submission to government for funds to help re-open St Anne’s railway station. That report stated: “The area is currently poorly served by public transport…despite its large population (approx. 10,000). Existing public transport connectivity to the St Anne’s area is extremely limited for both bus and rail transport provision.

The cuts proposed by First Bus, to services which currently only run every 30 minutes (36) or 2 hourly (96) will remove connections between St Anne’s and the rest of Brislington altogether. People will be unable to get to the doctors surgery, to the public library, to Callington Road hospital, to Oasis Academy (a 55 minute walk for school children) or to any points in between. This affects many elderly people and those without cars who are already severely limited in their public transport choices. It will also do nothing to encourage people to use their cars less – Brislington has one of the highest rates of car ownership in the city, for obvious reasons – there is very little alternative.

Whilst it is acknowledged that these are currently privatised services, and that there is a crisis in both recruitment and profitability amongst bus companies in the area, we feel that these services must be urgently prioritised and all efforts must be made to keep these vital services running.

Started by: Tim Rippington

This ePetition ran from 05/09/2022 to 09/10/2022 and has now finished.

529 people signed this ePetition.