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Stop Pavement Obstruction and Improve Pedestrian Safety on Whitehall Road

We the undersigned request the council to take immediate action to stop vehicles from mounting the pavement on Whitehall Road, which endangers pedestrians. This could include replacing the current zigzag road markings with double yellow lines to enable parking enforcement, installing bollards along the pavement. These measures will help improve safety and the quality of life for residents and pedestrians.

We, the residents of Whitehall Road, strongly urge the council to take immediate action to address the ongoing issue of illegal parking and pavement obstruction outside the launderette. The consistent and dangerous practice of vehicles mounting the pavement, especially in close proximity to a zebra crossing, presents a serious risk to the safety of pedestrians.

Children walking to school, the elderly, and other vulnerable members of our community are particularly at risk when forced to navigate around parked cars on the pavement. Despite the presence of clear road markings that should prevent this behaviour, such as the zigzag lines near the zebra crossing, drivers continue to ignore these restrictions, making the area increasingly hazardous.

The obstruction not only forces pedestrians onto the busy road but also reduces visibility for drivers approaching the crossing, significantly increasing the likelihood of accidents. Additionally, the issue contributes to noise pollution, with vehicles often blocking access to residential homes and creating disturbances during the launderette’s business hours.

This situation has persisted for far too long without adequate intervention, and it’s only a matter of time before someone is seriously injured. Immediate action is required to protect the wellbeing of pedestrians and restore order to this stretch of Whitehall Road.

Started by: Sebastian Davis

This ePetition runs from 23/09/2024 to 22/09/2025.

40 people have signed this ePetition.