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WECA Green Recovery Fund – Easiform Pilot

In January 2022, a funding bid was submitted to WECA for £500k – along with two other housing providers in the region (Curo and Brighter Places).
The bid is to support a scheme to retrofit 25 Bristol City Council properties using the whole-house retrofit approach to PAS 2035, which provides guaranteed performance and comfort for tenants and a real energy cost saving.
The funding is made up as follows:
o£200,000 confirmed grant from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
o£300,000 from the Combined Authority’s Green Recovery Fund,
The application for funding of £500k under the Innovative Housing Retrofit Scheme has been awarded from the Green Recovery Fund Grant.
Due to the value of the funding and need to enter into agreements and in order to deliver the grant funded outcomes, an Officer Executive Decision will be required now that the application is successful.
The purpose of this is to make the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Housing aware of a grant funding opportunity and to seek agreement to be part of an approved funding application.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/03/2023

Decision due: 17 Mar 2023 by Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration

Lead member: Councillor Tom Renhard, Leader of the Labour Group

Contact: Louise Baker, Executive Support Manager Email:
