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Issue details
(a) Temple Quarter Grant Funding Arrangements – Completion of Legal documentation – (b) Early action on Temple Meads Northern Entrance and Southern Gateway – RIBA Stages 2 and 3
In April 2022 £94.7m of external
Brownfield Investment Land (BIL) grant funding was awarded for
projects in the first phase of the Temple Quarter regeneration
programme. The business case and funding bid was submitted by WECA
to Homes England, on behalf of Bristol City Council and Network
Rail, and the grant will be administered by Homes England. In
relation to this grant funding, in October 2022 Cabinet authorised
the Executive Director of Growth and Regeneration to (amongst other
things) take all necessary steps to negotiate the terms of and
enter into the initial Flow Down Agreement and a Collaboration
Agreement and 'agree the terms of offer letters with WECA and
thereafter draw down funding to prepare Delivery Plans for the
relevant Infrastructure Items for which the Council is to be
responsible (including procuring and awarding contracts in excess
of £0.5m) October 2022 Cabinet Decisions
Since October there have been detailed negotiations over the terms
of the Collaboration Agreement and Flow Down Agreement between all
the parties. The final version of the Collaboration Agreement (CA)
has now been settled. Its key terms have not departed from the
outline in the Cabinet report. The parties have agreed that, whilst
an FDA is required to satisfy, HE requirements, it is premature to
commit to a full blown FDA at this early stage; not being required
in reality until DP approval.
The Northern Entrance and Southern Gateway projects are
'Infrastructure Items' included within the grant funding bid, and
work is required to develop designs for these projects up to RIBA
Stage 3; this will form a key input for the Delivery Plan for these
projects. This Officer Executive Decision enables the Council to
enter into contract with the Strategic Partner for design work
relating to RIBA Stages 2 and 3 for these projects. The TQ
Directors Board, at its meetings on 9 and 23 November 2022, and the
parties in subsequent discussion, have, in order to maintain
progress with these two projects, (and albeit in advance of the
formal Offer Letter from WECA) approved these proposals and
confirmed the principle that the funding for the contract will be
met from the BIL. Commissioning these services does not commit the
Council to assuming responsibility for implementation of either
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 23/03/2023
Decision due: 23 Mar 2023 by Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Lead member: Councillor Craig Cheney, Designated Deputy Mayor with responsibility for City Economy Finance & Performance
Contact: Louise Baker, Executive Support Manager Email: