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Northfield House - Cladding, roof coating & associated repairs

Bristol City Council has a duty defined in various acts of parliament in particular the landlord and tenant act 1985 section 11 to maintain and repair its homes. Failure to maintain our homes would result in a disrepair claim and court action against the council. Poor repair and maintenance both threatens the health and well-being of occupants and has a negative impact on the value of homes as an asset. As part of its blocks maintenance programme, this contract is to replace the existing EPS cladding system with a A1/A2 compliant system and apply a waterproof coating, and associated repairs to the existing roof coating. This will ensure a compliant external wall system is in place and also address water ingress issues at the block.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 15/05/2023

Decision due: 12 May 2023 by Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration

Lead member: Councillor Tom Renhard, Leader of the Labour Group

Contact: Louise Baker, Executive Support Manager Email:
