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Issue details
Frenchay Park Road/ Park Road Rockface (Section 106 Developer Contributions).
The S106 pots being used to fund the scheme
equal a value of £354,652 and are set to expire on 2 July
2023. If a formal decision is made to commit the monies to a scheme
of improvements to Broom Hill Junction by no later than 1 July
2023, then the “repayment” will not be triggered. As we
will not be able to have a fully designed scheme to draw down the
money before this date, an Officer Executive Decision is requested
to commit the S106 funding to complete further surveys and design
work in order to make safe the rockface at Frenchay Park Road and
Park Road (which is already a maintenance liability and public
safety risk) and widen the footway to 2 metres.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 15/05/2023
Decision due: 8 May 2023 by Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Lead member: Councillor Donald Alexander
Contact: Louise Baker, Executive Support Manager Email: