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Temple Quarter – cost sharing agreement with Homes England - Eversheds Sutherland

As set out in the Cabinet paper of October 2022, the Temple Quarter project partners are aiming to create a Joint Delivery Vehicle (JDV) to deliver the regeneration of the area around Bristol Temple Meads Station and St Philip’s Marsh.
Homes England (HE) has appointed Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (“Deloitte”) and Eversheds Sutherland (International) LLP (“Eversheds Sutherland”) to provide services in relation to the regeneration project and creation of a Joint Delivery Vehicle and future procurement strategy. This decision is to sign up to an agreement between HE and the council to agree that the liability for the payment of fees payable to Eversheds Sutherland will be shared between HE and the council.
This funding covers the work required in order to develop the strategy to take forward BTQ and the creation of the JDV (including further funding) that will be brought to Bristol City Council’s Cabinet for endorsement.
As set out Recommendation 3 of the Cabinet paper of October 2022, the Executive Director of Growth and Regeneration is authorised to submit an application to WECA for funding of up to £7.843m to increase capacity in the Joint Delivery Team, and to the extent that the application is successful, to then accept, drawdown and spend this funding accordingly including procuring and awarding contracts over £0.5m.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/01/2024

Decision due: 26 Jan 2024 by Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration

Lead member: Marvin Rees, Mayor

Contact: Abigail Stratford, Head of Regeneration Email:
