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Education Specialist Provision Phase 2 – to provide professional support to achieve a RIBA 4 and 5 design on a few different sites to tender for a Design and Build Contractor
Following the cabinet decision on Tuesday, 6th
September, 2022 - to approve the acceptance, the allocation to
specific projects, and the spend of capital grant from the
Department of Education (DFE.) The approval will help deliver
additional school capacity in order for the council to continue to
meet its statutory obligation and help ensure sufficient mainstream
and Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) school places
are available in the city.
This decision will secure the Strategic Partnerships (Arcadis)
professional services required to provide Project Management,
Quantity Surveying and fulfil the Principal Design role up until
the RIBA 4 and / or RIBA 5 design stage at a standard to tender for
a Design and Build Contractor.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 25/03/2024
Decision due: 18 Mar 2024 by Director: Education and Skills
Lead member: Councillor Asher Craig, Deputy Mayor with responsibility for Children's Services, Education and Equalities
Contact: Hannah Woodhouse, Executive Director: Children and Education Email: Email: