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Overton Road and Princess Victoria Street budget increase
To add a value via an officer executive
decision of £124k to the budget envelope for Overton Road and
Princess Victoria Street outlined in the cabinet paper on 24
January 2023 (agenda no 19). The reason for the variance is because
of an increase in scope using higher quality materials on Overton
Road, to provide maximum benefits of the scheme. While Princess
Victoria Street has come below its envelope agreement by
£34k, Overton Road has come over its envelope agreement by
£158k, this means we need to add a value of 124k to the
initial decision via an officer executive decision.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/07/2024
Decision due: 12 Jun 2024 by Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Lead member: Councillor Ed Plowden
Contact: John Smith, Interim Executive Director: Growth & Regeneration Email: