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Meeting attendance

Thursday, 12th January, 2017 2.00 pm, Overview and Scrutiny Management Board

Venue:   The Writing Room - City Hall, College Green, Bristol, BS1 5TR

Contact:    Allison Taylor
Allison Taylor

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Geoff Gollop Chair Present
Councillor Charlie Bolton Committee Member Apologies, sent representative
Councillor Nicola Bowden-Jones Committee Member Present
Councillor Tom Brook Committee Member Present
Councillor Jude English Committee Member Present
Councillor Gill Kirk Committee Member Present
Councillor Brenda Massey Committee Member Present
Councillor Olly Mead Committee Member Present
Councillor Graham Morris Committee Member Present
Councillor Anthony Negus Committee Member Present
Councillor Steve Pearce Committee Member Present
Stephen Hughes Officer Expected
Anna Klonowski Officer Expected
John Readman Officer Expected
Alison Comley Officer Expected
Barra Mac Ruairi Officer Expected
Shahzia Daya Officer Expected
Annabel Scholes Officer Expected
Cathy Mullins Officer Expected
Andrea Dell Officer Expected
Lucy Fleming Officer Expected
Allison Taylor Officer Expected
Pauline Cowley Officer Expected