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Outside body

Devon and Severn Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority


Strategic group


The Marine and Coastal Access Bill passed in 2009 aimed to modernise the management of marine environment in the UK.


Inshore Fisheries Conservation Areas (IFCAs) have replaced Sea Fisheries Committees in England and Wales.


Bristol City Council is a statutory member of the Devon and Severn IFCA.  the main aim of the IFCAs is to manage the exploitation of sea fisheries and ensure the conservation objectives of marine conservation zones.


There are approximately 27 members of the Devon and Severn IFCA with one elected member from Bristol City Council and one officer.  The elected member is expected to attend and contribute to four Devon and Severn IFCA meetings per year and may vote on motions that includes budget setting.


The elected member may delegate voting rights to a named elected deputy who is then permitted to exercise these rights at two out of the four meetings per year.

Contact information


Bristol City Council is not responsible for the content of any external link

Our representatives