- Decision details Content
Decision details
Economy of Place - Implementation of the Corporate Strategy
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To focus the council on its core function: removing the Strategic Transport and City Design functions and reforming the Planning function
That Cabinet:
1. Agreed to explore the scope for transferring activities and functions (and associated resources) to the Combined Authority, (or developing other joint working arrangements with the Combined Authority) and agree to explore ceasing functions which are not statutory requirements of a Highway Authority and authorises the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration to take all steps required to give effect to this approach.
2. Noted the proposal for the City Design service to be disbanded subject to consultation with staff and trade unions.
3. Noted the intention to create a single City Planning service as outlined in this report including the appointment of a City Chief Planner.
4. Noted that the proposals in this paper which relate to staff are expressly subject to the outcomes of staff and trade union consultation.
Report author: John Smith
Publication date: 06/12/2022
Date of decision: 06/12/2022
Decided at meeting: 06/12/2022 - Cabinet
Effective from: 14/12/2022
Accompanying Documents:
- EoP Corporate Strategy Decision Pathway Cabinet 6 December 2022 Report - v4 28112022 LB PDF 133 KB
- iii - Appendix D - Risk Register Blank Template PDF 130 KB
- Appendix E - EqIA - Implementation of the Corporate Strategy - 6 Dec 22 Cabinet v0.5 PDF 221 KB
- 2022-11-25 EcoIA - Implementing Corporate Strategy PDF 100 KB