- Decision details Content
Decision details
Housing IT and Transformation Programme – approval of Full Business Case
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To seek approval of the Full Business Case (FBC) and authority to proceed with the Housing IT Transformation Programme and extend existing contracts if required.
That Cabinet:
1. Approved the Full Business Case (FBC) as set out in appendix A and exempt appendix I.
2. Approved up to £7.5m (net, less sunk costs) over the next five years, drawn from Housing Revenue Account (80%) and General Fund (20%) to deliver the Housing IT and Transformation programme as set out in this report and Appendix A.
3. Authorised Executive Director – Growth and Regeneration in consultation with Cabinet Member for Housing Delivery and Homes and S151 Officer to spend up to £7.5m (estimated internal and supplier one[1]off costs, over two years) to deliver the programme in full (including procuring and awarding contracts over £500k) in-line with the maximum budget envelopes outlined in this report.
4. Authorised Executive Director – Growth and Regeneration in consultation with Cabinet Member for Housing Delivery and Homes and S151 Officer to take all steps required to confirm the Preferred Supplier and award the contract(s) necessary for the implementation of comprehensive new Housing system(s) (five-year contract, fully managed service, £4.4m total value inc. one off supplier costs), in-line with the procurement and legal routes and maximum budget envelopes outlined in this report.
5. Authorised Executive Director – Growth and Regeneration to invoke subsequent specific and relevant extensions/variations specifically defined in the contract(s) being awarded, up to the maximum budget envelope approved as part of the Final Business Case.
6. Authorised the Executive Director – Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with Cabinet Member for Housing Delivery and Homes, to take all steps required to extend the current contracts for Housing IT support services at a cost of up to £600k, should the Housing IT and Transformation programme not be fully implemented before they expire as outlined in this report.
Report author: Donald Graham
Publication date: 07/02/2023
Date of decision: 07/02/2023
Decided at meeting: 07/02/2023 - Cabinet
Effective from: 15/02/2023
Accompanying Documents:
- 21EN625 HiTT Decision Pathway 2022 Report FBC v0.04
PDF 315 KB
- Appendix A REDACTED PUBLIC HITT Programme Business Case Dec-22 v0.05
- Appendix B - HITT Options Appraisal 2022 (1)
PDF 369 KB
- Appendix D - 21EN625 Housing IT Programme RAID log Nov-22 v0.04 (1)
PDF 234 KB
- Appendix E - HITT Equality Impact Assessment (1)
PDF 381 KB
- Appendix F - HITT Eco Impact (1)
PDF 294 KB
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