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Decision details

Bus Deal - Strategic Corridors update

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To seek approval to accept and spend additional funding for development of Business Cases to be submitted to WECA for projects in the Strategic Corridors Programme and to revise the approach to the delivery of the A37/A4018 corridor scheme to accelerate the project and deliver benefits earlier.


That Cabinet:

1.      Noted the previous Cabinet approvals on 5 October 2021 and the revised approach as outlined in this report.

2.      Authorised the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Cabinet Member Transport, to take all steps required to accept and spend additional WECA funding to complete Business Cases for the Strategic Corridors Programme, including procuring and awarding appropriate contracts (which may be over the key decision threshold), up to a total expenditure of £6.5m.

3.      Authorised the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Cabinet Member Transport, to proceed with separate full business case development for the central and southern sections of the A37/A4018 corridor and to continue with the development of the OBC for the whole corridor.

4.      Noted the consultation details and responses as outlined in Appendix A1 and B.


Report author: Pete Woodhouse

Publication date: 02/05/2023

Date of decision: 02/05/2023

Decided at meeting: 02/05/2023 - Cabinet

Effective from: 10/05/2023

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