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Decision details
Business Improvement Districts
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To provide
information on the Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) in
Broadmead and Bedminster and to seek approval of the proposed BID
arrangements (s41 Local Government Act 2003).
To seek delegated authority for a number of BID related
To seek approval for the payment of BID levy income to relevant BID
To note the position of the council as a levy payer within the
BIDs, and delegate the voting responsibility to the Chief
That Cabinet:
1. Agreed that on receipt of the Bedminster BID and Broadmead BID proposals for the renewal of the proposed BID activity, the Executive Director for Growth and Regeneration in consultation with the Cabinet Member for City Economy, Finance and Performance be given delegated authority to:
a) Consider on behalf of the council as billing authority, whether the BID proposals conflict with any formal adopted policy of the council and if they do, give notice of this in accordance with the Business Improvement Districts England Regulations 2004 (“the BID regulations”);
b) Determine whether the council should support the Bedminster and Broadmead BID proposals by voting yes in the BID ballot. If a no vote is proposed, this will be referred to cabinet for further consideration;
c) Formally manage the ballot process in accordance with the BID regulations.
2. Authorised the Chief Executive to exercise voting rights on behalf of the council in BID ballots.
3. Approved expenditure (levy income and financial contributions received) for Bedminster BID of approximately £143,000pa.
4. Approved expenditure (levy income and financial contributions received) for Broadmead BID of approximately £439,000pa.
5. Following a review of procedures, approve levy income and financial contributions received for the Bristol City Centre and Clifton Village BIDs that undertook successful ballots last year and subsequently began respective new terms in November 2022.
6. Authorised the Revenues and Benefits Head of Service to
· make all decisions related to costs of collection and
· determine and approve the final levy rules, and
· agree the terms of Operating Agreements (and signing agreements), and for making any necessary changes as they arise.
7. That subject to a “yes” vote at ballot:
a) the council will act as the relevant billing authority and will manage the billing, collection of the levy and financial contributions, and its transfer to Visit West and Bedminster Town Team Ltd;
b) the council meet the council’s obligations in paying the BID levy, as a non–domestic ratepayer in the BID areas, in accordance with the BID regulations over the life of the BIDs;
c) the council enter into Operating Agreements with both Visit West and Bedminster Town Team Ltd regarding the operation of their respective BIDs.
Report author: Jason Thorne
Publication date: 04/07/2023
Date of decision: 04/07/2023
Decided at meeting: 04/07/2023 - Cabinet
Effective from: 12/07/2023
Accompanying Documents: