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Decision details
Adult Social Care Single Commissioning Framework
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To seek approval to procure and enter into a single commissioning framework for the purchasing and provision of the majority of Adult Social Care long term care services and continued use of existing framework agreements where required for 6-12 months.
That Cabinet:
1. Authorised the Executive Director: Adults and Communities in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and the Integrated Care System:
a) To procure and award a Single Adult Social Care Commissioning Framework within the maximum budget envelope of £2320m (£2020m BCC Spend) across a maximum of ten years, to be managed within approved budget limits for each service area using the framework as outlined in this report.
b) To award care contracts utilising the single framework, including block call-off arrangements where supply in the market is restricted and spot-purchasing is not delivering a sustainable marketplace.
c) To spot and block-purchase for services from all lots from the framework, above the Key Decision threshold during the life of the service user's placement or community package.
d) To implement short contract extensions and/or allow continued purchase of new individual care and support from eight existing framework contracts and one existing concession agreement, as set out in this report, for up to maximum of up to six months (bar two contracts which may be extended for up to twelve months) and up to a maximum total value of £11,161,004, to bring relevant existing contracts into alignment with the single framework purchasing plan.
e) To enable BCC Childrens Commissioning and BNSSG commissioners (primarily from the Integrated Care Board) to be named on the Single Framework, if approved by their own executive board, to encourage joint commissioning where appropriate and shared use of framework rates.
f) To transfer all existing providers with current placements that do not join the new framework to a new ‘off framework’ contract – “Existing Legacy Social Care Providers Contract”.
g) To contract with all out of area providers that do not join the framework via a new contract – “Bespoke and out of area Contract”.
h) To explore alternative delivery models proposed by providers and, subject to the approval of the S151 Officer and Director of Legal Services, look to accommodate these within the current procurement exercise, where possible, or otherwise implement these on a case by case basis.
2. The Cabinet noted that:
a) An update report and request for approval to extend the term of the new framework will be brought to the relevant committee for authorisation at each of the three, five, seven and nine-year anniversary dates of the commencement date of the framework.
b) The total annual spend against the single framework by Bristol City Council will be managed within the ASC allocated purchasing budget as set by the relevant committee each financial year.
c) All call-offs will remain in line with finance and procurement regulations and procedures, and any off[1]framework spend, required by exception, will follow the council’s compliant exception processes and governance.
d) Spot and block-purchase for services from all lots from the framework below the key decision threshold will continue to be undertaken by brokerage in accordance with the financial regulations.
Report author: Richard Hills
Publication date: 05/09/2023
Date of decision: 05/09/2023
Decided at meeting: 05/09/2023 - Cabinet
Effective from: 13/09/2023
Accompanying Documents:
- Key Decision Paper - Single Adult Social Care Commissioning Framework (final report 240823) PDF 198 KB
- Appendix A - Single Commissioning Framework Further Information PDF 728 KB
- Appendix E - EQIA Single ASC Commissioning Framework Key Decision (signed off) PDF 475 KB
- Appendix F - EcoIA Single ASC Commissioning Framework Key Decision PDF 196 KB