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Decision details
Funding for The Brigstowe Project 2023 - 25
Decision Maker: Director: Communities & Public Health
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Council has decided to increase its
support for the Common Ambition Bristol project by enhancing and
extending the activities provided by The Brigstowe Project, which
address HIV inequalities amongst people of African and Caribbean
heritage. This funding will enable Brigstowe to provide services
including project co-ordination, co-production of interventions
with community members such as outreach and health promotion
activities. This is part of a city wide plan to address HIV in
Bristol and comes under the Bristol Fast Track Cities partnership
and is a key outcome within our One City plan. The grant funding
will enable The Brigstowe Project to continue to support Common
Ambition Bristol to address HIV inequalities amongst people of
African and Caribbean heritage to 31 March 2025.
To increase support for the Common Ambition
Bristol project by enhancing and extending the activities provided
by The Brigstowe Project,
Alternative options considered:
The Council has funded The Brigstowe project
to support HIV prevention and reduce stigma since 1 April
2021 and to provide HIV support for people with HIV for several
years before this. Progress has shown that Brigstowe is best placed
to raise awareness to HIV, tackle HIV stigma, provide peer support
as well as provide intensive support for those not engaged in HIV
treatment. Brigstowe are a key partner within Bristol Fast Track
Cities which aims to accelerate progress to end new cases of HIV in
the city. They are also the lead partner for Common Ambition
Bristol which is a project which aims to address HIV inequalities
specifically amongst people of African and Caribbean heritage
communities. Common Ambition Bristol was initially funded by a
grant from The Health Foundation. This additional grant to 31 March
2025, will allow an extension of the Common Ambition Bristol
project to build on its initial progress and achievements by
ensuring continuity, employment, and stability in the services it
currently provides. It will also maintain momentum, and allow the
benefits associated with the funding to be realised.
Publication date: 05/12/2023
Date of decision: 31/03/2023