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Decision details
Disposal of sites at Former Dovercourt Depot, Lockleaze and Former School at New Fosseway, Hengrove to Goram Homes Limited
Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To allow the disposal of Council owned sites
to Goram Homes to support housing delivery so to further build the
company’s development pipeline and increase the supply of
high quality affordable and market sale housing for the benefit of
the whole of the city and to meet corporate objectives and
The transaction will initially proceed to an exchange of contracts
(targeting end of current financial year/early April) with
completion on satisfaction of the Project Agreement Condition
relating to viability. Both sites benefit from outline planning
permission with Dovercourt (ref 22/00632/PB) providing up to 140
residential units and New Fosseway (ref 22/01990/PB) up to 200
residential units (including a 70-bed extra care home and up to 250
sqm of Class E, F1 and F2 uses).
Goram Homes Limited are currently negotiating a Development
Agreement with HRA on both sites and are targeting an April
completion. These negotiations are independent of the sale
To approve the sale of the former Dovercourt
Depot, Lockleaze and former School at New Fosseway, Hengrove to
Goram Homes Limited.
Alternative options considered:
No other options are considered.
Publication date: 25/04/2024
Date of decision: 26/03/2024