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Decision details
Energy Centre Lease – Canynge House, Somerset Street, Redcliffe
Decision Maker: Director: Property, Assets and Infrastructure
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To enable the transfer of Broughton House
energy centre, which forms part of the Redcliff heat network to
Bristol Heat Networks Limited (BHNL) prior to the BHNL being
transferred to Vattenfall Heat Uk Ltd as agreed at Cabinet 12nd
July 2022.
Approval provided by the Director of Property,
Asset and Infrastructure and Executive Director of Growth and
Regeneration as delegated by Cabinet on 12th July 2022. To enter a
50-year lease with Bristol Heat Networks Ltd (BHNL) of part of the
basement plant room in the residential housing block Canynge House
in Redcliff, where an Energy Centre has been installed to provide
heat to the District Heat Network.
This lease is being granted at a nil rental, which has been
determined as an undervalue (a value below a level that the council
could demand if acting commercially). The District Heat Network
will generate heat for Commercial and residential properties on the
Redcliff Heat Network.
Alternative options considered:
Option 1 - None
Option 2 -
Option 3 -
Publication date: 03/10/2022
Date of decision: 12/09/2022