- Decision details Content
Decision details
Supported Parents Homeless Prevention Service and Floating Support Service
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To seek approval for the recommissioning of
the Supported Parents Homeless Prevention Service and the floating
support for Supported Parents and Wider Homeless Families
Prevention Floating Support Service.
That Cabinet:
- Authorised the Executive Director - Growth & Regeneration in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing Delivery & Homes to procure and award the contract necessary for the implementation of Supported Parents & Young Children Accommodation Service at a cost of up to £609,375 for 2 years and 6 months, in-line with the procurement routes and maximum budget envelopes outlined in this report.
- Authorised the Executive Director - Growth & Regeneration in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing Delivery & Homes to procure and award the contract necessary for the implementation of a Supported Parents & Wider Homeless Families Prevention Floating Support Service at a cost of up to £310,625 for 2 years and 6 months, in-line with the procurement routes and maximum budget envelopes outlined in this report.
- Noted the consultation report at appendix B.
Report author: Paul Sylvester
Publication date: 04/04/2023
Date of decision: 04/04/2023
Decided at meeting: 04/04/2023 - Cabinet
Effective from: 12/04/2023
Accompanying Documents:
- Cabinet Report - Supported Parents Accommodation Floating Support Service V6 PDF 130 KB
- Appendix B - Supported Parents Homeless Prevention Service Consultation Report January 2023 PDF 106 KB
- Appendix D - Risk Register Support Parents Service-Homelessness v1 PDF 116 KB
- Appendix E - Equality Impact Assessment - signed V1 PDF 190 KB
- Appendix F - Eco Impact Checklist Verified V1 PDF 61 KB