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Decision details

Thrive Bristol

Decision Maker: Director: Adult Social Care

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


-Roll out mental health awareness training to key sectors within the city.
-Undertake, and effectively evaluate, interventions being tested within city workplaces.
-Develop and test culturally informed approaches within our communities.
-Fund anti-stigma activities, building upon our ‘Time to Change’ hub.
-Fund website and public engagement work to communicate opportunities to get involved.
-Fund activities for the schools, students and housing workstreams.


Thrive Bristol is our city-wide programme to improve the mental health and wellbeing of everyone in Bristol. It is focusing on prevention and the role partners from across the city can play in promoting good mental health. It is helping to achieve key goals within Bristol’s One City Plan – such as those to roll out mental health awareness training to 1 in 5 in Bristol; for Bristol to become a ‘suicide safe city’; and for mental health stigma and discrimination to be eradicated.
Cllr Asher Craig agreed to this funding to enable the programme to:
-Roll out mental health awareness training to key sectors within the city.
-Undertake, and effectively evaluate, interventions being tested within city workplaces.
-Develop and test culturally informed approaches within our communities.
-Fund anti-stigma activities, building upon our ‘Time to Change’ hub.
-Fund website and public engagement work to communicate opportunities to get involved.
-Fund activities for the schools, students and housing workstreams.

Alternative options considered:

Option 1 - We are seeking support from wider partners, such as WECA, and have secured many ‘gifts in kind’, but require core funds to complete this work.
Option 2 -
Option 3 -

Publication date: 28/08/2019

Date of decision: 17/07/2019