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Decision details

Lawrence Weston Community Hub

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To consider development of a new build community and health hub in Lawrence Weston on Council owned land.



  1. Approved expenditure of £1m Strategic CIL within the Capital Programme, and the expenditure of £150k from the Ports Communities Resilience Fund, by way of grants to Ambition Lawrence Weston towards the development of the Lawrence Weston Community Hub, conditional upon S151 officer sign-off of the due diligence of the final project business case.
  2. Authorised the Executive Director of Growth & Regeneration, in conjunction with S151 officer, to negotiate terms for the award and drawdown of the proposed grants.
  3. Noted the proposed development will promote or improve the economic, social or environmental well-being of Lawrence Western and its community
  4. Authorised the Executive Director for Growth & Regeneration (in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance, Governance and Performance) to agree terms for the grant of a 35 year lease to Ambition Lawrence Weston, at an undervalue.


Report author: Oliver Roberts

Publication date: 25/02/2021

Date of decision: 25/02/2021

Decided at meeting: 25/02/2021 - Cabinet

Effective from: 09/03/2021

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