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Budget Monitoring Out turn report P3

Meeting: 03/09/2019 - Cabinet (Item 19.)

19. Budget Monitoring Out turn report P3 and P4 pdf icon PDF 123 KB

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Cabinet approved

1. The allocation of general reserves and reallocation of earmarked reserves to those areas as set out in

Appendix A Figure 5-7.

2. The addition, removal and re-profile of a list of schemes under the capital programme, details set out in

Appendix B Figure 2.


Cabinet noted,

3. A risk of overspend on General fund services of £2.8m for 19/20 representing 0.8% of the approved budget

(Appendix A).

4. A forecasted balanced position with regard to the Housing Revenue Account.

5. A forecasted balanced position for the Dedicated Schools Grant taking into account the planned drawn-down

from reserves at £1.7m.

6. The latest available DSG funding allocations from ESFA, which include an additional £0.7m in the High Needs

block and a reduction of £0.17m for the Early Years block.

7. A risk of overspend of £0.7m for Public health, which is being monitored.

8. A forecast £33.2m underspend on the capital programme, albeit run-rate is more than 50% behind the curve.

9. a list of change requests under the savings programme Appendix A Figure 4

10. The Sundry Debt position of £19.2m over 90days as at Period 4. Individual directorate detail included under

Appendix A1-6.