- Issue Content
Issue - meetings
WECA Transport Authority Integration Project
Meeting: 21/01/2020 - Cabinet (Item 8.)
8. WECA Transport Authority Integration Project PDF 140 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix A - Further essential background - detail on the proposal (Draft 28112019), item 8.
PDF 252 KB
- Appendix D - Risk Register (Draft 23102019), item 8.
PDF 163 KB
- Appendix E - Equalities Relevance Check (Draft 28102019), item 8.
PDF 223 KB
- Appendix F - Eco Impact Assessment (Draft 15102019), item 8.
PDF 173 KB
1. Cabinet approved the transfer of the budget for staff and resources of £1.46m (subject to formal consultation with affected staff) to WECA, and delegated responsibility for related processes (including TUPE, novation of contracts and implementation of an operating agreement that will govern how decisions are made between authorities after the transfer is completed) to the Executive Director for Growth and Regeneration; in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance, Governance and Performance and the Executive Director for Resources.
2. Cabinet noted that £8.17m is already part of the existing WECA Levy, of which £0.045m relates to potential staffing costs arising as a result of the transfer to WECA. This amount will be subject to inflationary increases of 2% annually, and is subject to annual cost reviews by the UAs