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Issue - meetings
City Leap Procurement
Meeting: 14/07/2020 - Cabinet (Item 11.)
11. City Leap Procurement PDF 247 KB
Additional documents:
- Authorised the Executive Director: Growth & Regeneration, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Energy, to take all steps necessary to revise, recommence and carry out the City Leap Energy Partnership procurement;
- Approved the draw-down of the £1.5m earmarked reserve set aside for the City Leap Energy Partnership procurement within the 2020/21 budget approved by Full Council on 26 February 2020;
- Noted that the forecast cost to complete the City Leap Energy Partnership procurement is within the overall funding allocation;
- Noted that a further report will be brought back to the Cabinet to approve the appointment of the Preferred Bidder. This report will include consideration and approval for any legal structures and the establishment of such governance arrangements as may be required for the City Leap Energy Partnership, any investments in or transfer of assets into the City Leap Energy Partnership corporate structure, along with the financial and legal terms therein.