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Issue - meetings

P12 Outturn finance report

Meeting: 22/06/2021 - Cabinet (Item 15.)

15. P12 Outturn finance report pdf icon PDF 636 KB

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Cabinet noted:

  1. the contents of the report and the final position of the General fund for the financial year 2020/21 the key reasons for budget variances as set out in Appendix A of the report.
  2. A general fund in-year cash surplus of £19.7 million on non-covid services to be transferred to reserves.
  3. A general fund in-year cash surplus of £8.1 million with respect to impact of Covid-19 to be transferred to earmarked reserve to mitigate Covid-19 impact and phased commitments in future years.
  4. the final outturn underspend of the Council’s capital expenditure (£33 million) and rephasing.
  5. the outturn position for the Dedicated Schools Grant (£7.1 million overspend and the total carried forward deficit of £10.0 million.
  6. the outturn position for the Housing Revenue Account an underspend of £11.4 million to be carried forward for the council’s landlord functions.
  7. the decisions taken under delegated authority in relation to Covid response as set out in Appendix A Section 10.
  8. the implication of the final outturn on the Council’s reserve position.
  9. the in-year collection levels for both Business Rates and Council Tax.
  10. the level of aged debt as at 31 March 2021; and
  11. the performance on delivery of savings as outlined in Appendix A2.


Cabinet approved:

  1. the carry forward funding for each scheme within the Capital Programme as set out in Appendix A4.
  2. the £7.750 million contribution to earmarked reserves from the year end underspend.
  3. the residual underspend of £12.0 million is transferred to the Council’s general reserve to improve our financial resilience.
  4. the incorporation of additional funding in the Council’s 2021/22 budget as set out in Appendix A Section 10.