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Local Area SEND Re-inspection Report
Meeting: 24/01/2023 - Cabinet (Item 14.)
14. Local Area SEND Re-inspection October 2022 PDF 171 KB
Additional documents:
That Cabinet:
1. Noted the outcome of the Local Area Re-inspection October 2022.
2. Approved the identified next steps required following inspection as outlined in this report (Recommendations 9-11):
a. To agree and submit an Accelerated Action Plan (AAP) by the 1st February deadline (fuller details in 9. of Recommendations);
b. To align the SEND Partnership Plan (SPP) with the outcomes of the Local Area inspection under 6 key themes (fuller details in 10. of Recommendations);
c. To set up clear governance arrangements to oversee the SPP and AAP including a SEND Partnership Group (SPG) (fuller details in 11. of Recommendations).
3. Authorised the Executive Director Children and Education in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Education and Equalities to develop and implement the SEND Partnership Plan and Accelerated Action Plan.
4. Noted that future updates on the implementation and impact of the Plans will be brought back to Cabinet for information.