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Agenda and minutes
Venue: Hungerford Road Community Centre, Hungerford Road, Brislington, BS4 5HE
Contact: Sam Mahony
No. | Item |
Chairing Arrangements Minutes: It was noted that Councillor Mike Langley would chair this meeting of the partnership.
Welcome, Introductions and Safety Information Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Councillors, officers and other attendees introduced themselves.
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Janine Marriott, Joules Taylor, Barbara Thomson, and Rhian Greaves.
Minutes of Previous Meeting To agree the minutes of the previous meeting on 14th March 2016 as a correct record. Minutes: RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting of the partnership held on 14 March 2016 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
Declarations of Interest To note any declarations of interest from the Councillors. They are asked to indicate the relevant agenda item, the nature of the interest and in particular whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest.
Any declarations of interest made at the meeting which is not on the register of interests should be notified to the Monitoring Officer for inclusion.
Minutes: None.
Public Forum Up to 30 minutes is allowed for this item.
Any member of the public or Councillor may participate in Public Forum. The detailed arrangements for so doing are set out in the Public Information Sheet at the back of this agenda. Public Forum items should be emailed to and please note that the following deadlines will apply in relation to this meeting:-
Questions - Written questions must be received 3 clear working days prior to the meeting. For this meeting, this means that your question(s) must be received in this office at the latest by 5 pm on 7th June 2016.
Petitions and Statements - Petitions and statements must be received on the working day prior to the meeting. For this meeting this means that your submission must be received in this office at the latest by 12.00 noon on 10th June 2016. Minutes: None.
Equalities Monitoring Presented By: Ariaf Hussain Minutes: Partnership members completed equalities monitoring forms.
Neighbourhood Partnership AGM Report To confirm and note the arrangements for the Neighbourhood Partnership for the 2016/17 Council year. Presented By: Ariaf Hussain & Ian Hird Additional documents:
Minutes: The NP considered the AGM report.
Key points raised / noted:
a. Membership
The membership details as set in the report were outlined by the NP Co-ordinator.
It was noted that new local resident and agency representatives were welcome to join the partnership or sub-groups, to widen participation locally.
Following discussion, it was noted that the following would liaise with the NP Co-ordinator with a view to joining the partnership: Stan Hurley (Hungerford Road community centre) Carolyn Magson Mary Anne Davis Alan Thompson
b. Chairing arrangements
It was agreed that a councillor would chair the neighbourhood partnership and committee, and that the “rotating” chair arrangement (whereby each councillor would chair a meeting in turn) would continue. As indicated above, Councillor Langley was chairing this meeting of the partnership.
c. Terms of reference and financial operating framework
The terms of reference of the NP and the neighbourhood committee, and financial operating framework were outlined by the NP co-ordinator.
d. Neighbourhood budget and devolved powers
The NP Co-ordinator explained that the NP’s budget was now allocated as an “overall” budget, allowing greater flexibility over budget use.
In discussion, it was noted that funding could be carried forward into the next financial year if necessary. It was also suggested that the planning sub-group could consider how money raised under the Community Infrastructure Levy might be used, noting that any proposals would need to meet the relevant criteria for mitigation against developments.
Taking into account the above, the NP
1. That the NP membership be noted (noting also the potential new members as per a. above), and that it be agreed that a councillor will chair the NP and the neighbourhood committee, continuing the “rotating” chair principle as per previous years.
2. That the NP and neighbourhood committee terms of reference, and the financial operating framework be noted.
3. That the devolved neighbourhood budget be noted.
4. That the meeting schedule be noted.
5. That the financial statement and expenditure from 2015-16 be noted.
Neighbourhood Partnership Budget 2016/17 To note the budget breakdown and allocation and confirm any changes where appropriate. Presented By: Ariaf Hussain Minutes: The NP considered the neighbourhood budget report.
Key points raised/noted:
a. The current budget allocations in relation to delivery of the NP Plan were set out in a table on page 24 of the agenda pack. Following discussion, it was agreed that no changes should be made at this point in time to the allocations as set out. It was agreed, however, that the position should be re-assessed once the feasibility and design study (including cost implications) was received in relation to the Wick Road/Newbridge Road local traffic scheme. At that stage, depending on the costs, the NP might need to consider whether it needed to increase the allocation to enable the scheme to progress to implementation.
b. In discussion, it was noted that in developing the feasibility and design study of a local traffic scheme, the Council’s traffic team would always carry out an informal, local consultation with local residents to try to ensure that the scheme reflected residents’ expectations as far as possible. It was essential to ensure that as many local residents as possible engaged in this early, informal consultation stage.
c. Concerns were expressed about traffic (and air pollution) levels in Hungerford Road.
RESOLVED – That the report and the above information be noted.
To consider recommendations from the Brislington Wellbeing Panel for the allocation of wellbeing funding. Presented By: Ariaf Hussain Minutes: The neighbourhood committee considered recommendations from the Brislington Wellbeing Panel in relation to the allocation of wellbeing grants.
That the following grant allocations be approved:
1. Wick Road library user group committee (The Three Rs – Read, Relax and Reconnect / comfy seating) - £350
2. Friends of Eastwood farm (Eastwood farm play area development) - £2000
3. Friends of Wicklea Academy (Active summer in St Annes with Ape project) - £950 to include bike servicing.
The committee also noted that a grant application from Arnos Vale Cemetery Trust in support of a transport management plan was not recommended for approval. The NP Co-ordinator would though be liaising with the organisation to review this bid.
Highways Update 2015/16 To note the current position of the local traffic, section 106 and grant funded highway schemes in Greater Brislington. Presented By: Ariaf Hussain Minutes: The NP considered a report providing an update on local traffic schemes.
Key points raised/noted:
a. Traffic scheme – west of Wick Road (parking restrictions): the formal consultation on the design was likely to start in August.
b. Sandy Park Road – repainting of faded zebra crossing: it was noted that this was a highways maintenance issue rather than being specifically related to the NP budget.
c. Issue of disabled parking pay still being in place after the person concerned had left: it was noted that this issue should also be raised with the highways team as a maintenance issue.
The NP
RESOLVED – That the report and the above information be noted.
Highways and Minor Works 2016/17 To note the allocation of the 2016/17 highways budget allocation, local traffic scheme and to agree any minor works requests for 2016/17. Presented By: Ariaf Hussain Minutes: The NP considered a report on the local traffic schemes and minor works 2016-17.
Key points raised/noted:
a. In discussion, it was agreed that the Wick Road / Newbridge Road scheme should be confirmed as the 2016/17 local traffic scheme, and that (as per the discussion earlier at this meeting) the budget allocation be reviewed as necessary in light of the costs identified in the feasibility and design study.
b. There was general support for the 2 identified potential, future local traffic schemes at Hungerford Road/(old) West Town Lane and at Talbot Road/Hampstead Road/Kensington Park Road, as it was recognised that there were road safety concerns at both these locations. It was also noted that it was only possible for one scheme to be progressed each year in each NP area. Accordingly, the NP would need to determine, at the appropriate point, which of these 2 schemes should first be pioritised to progress to the feasibility / design stage.
c. Following discussion, it was noted that the timing of traffic signalling at the A4 Bath Road / Callington Road junction was being reviewed.
d. It was noted that the issue of the impact of the Arena development would be discussed at the July Forum.
The NP
1. That the allocation of the 2016-17 highways budget, as set out in the report, be noted.
2. That the Wick Road / Newbridge Road scheme (implementation of road safety improvements as identified in the feasibility and design study) be confirmed as the 2016/17 local traffic scheme, and that (as per the discussion earlier at this meeting) the budget allocation be reviewed as necessary in light of the costs identified in the feasibility and design study.
3. That the 2 potential future local traffic schemes, Hungerford Road/(old) West Town Lane and Talbot Road/Hampstead Road/Kensington Park Road be noted, on the understanding that one scheme can be progressed each year.
4. That the position in relation to minor works, as set out in the report, be noted.
Neighbourhood Partnership Plan To further refine, improve and adopt the Neighbourhood Partnership Plan. Presented By: Ariaf Hussain Additional documents: Minutes: The NP considered a report setting out the latest update of the NP plan and the process to be followed in terms of reviewing and updating the plan.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted.
Neighbourhood Partnership Coordinator Report To note and discuss the updates. Presented By: Ariaf Hussain Additional documents:
Minutes: The NP considered the NP Co-ordinator’s update report.
Key points raised / noted:
a. Citywide NP event: Anyone interested in attending should liaise with the NP Co-ordinator.
b. Parks, green spaces and play areas freelance fundraiser proposal: There was general support for this proposal. The brief for the consultant specifically identified fundraising for new children’s play facilities at Eastwood Farm Park, Arnos Vale Park and Hungerford Road play area. It was noted that this approach had been very successful over the past year in the St George NP area.
c. Brooklea health centre: It was noted that a petition had been launched in support of the bid for the development of a health centre at Brooklea.
The NP RESOLVED: That the report and the above information be noted.
The Neighbourhood Committee RESOLVED:
That a budget allocation of up to £10,000 be made from the neighbourhood budget to commission a consultant, with a view to the consultant assisting the NP and local parks groups and other groups to fund raise, both in terms of seeking match funding against already identified funds, and raising new funds.
Police and Community Safety Report To note the update. Presented By: Inspector Nigel Colston Minutes: The NP considered the latest police and community safety update report.
Key points raised / noted:
a. The statistics reflected reported crime. The key headline was a 28.2% overall increase in crime over the last 12 months (3,446 more offences) across the Bristol South policing area.
b. There had been a significant increase in the recording of violence against the person offences across south Bristol. However, care needed to be taken in assessing this increase /trend at this stage as changes in recording practices meant that the police were now properly recording all offences whereas previously not all cases had been recorded.
c. Burglary and vehicle crime offices had also increased.
d. Despite the increased crime levels across south Bristol, it was important to recognise that in terms of the NP area, this only equated to less than 7 recorded crimes per day on average.
e. The neighbourhoods policing team was being restructured. At the moment, a number of officer vacancies were being carried. Some new recruits would be appointed over the summer and the team would be fully staffed (with all new recruits trained) by the end of the year.
f. In response to a question, it was noted that where, for example, the police received a complaint about an individual who might have mental health issues, there would be a focus on the potential vulnerability of that individual as well as the complaint about any behaviour issues. The top priority was to keep all people safe.
g. In response to a question about the police workforce and recruitment, it was noted that the police were aware of the need to ensure that gender and equality benchmarks were set and that equalities monitoring was in place in relation to recruiting a police force that was more representative of the communities it served.
h. In response to a question, it was noted that the police only had limited resources available in relation to 20 mph speed enforcement. Support was available, however to help enable community speed watch schemes. Details would be sent to NP Co-ordinator. It was agreed that there should a focus on road safety as a discussion item at a future forum meeting, especially in relation to discussing the safety of children arriving at and leaving schools in the area.
RESOLVED – That the report and the above information be noted.
Any Other Business Minutes: Dog fouling: It was noted that instances of dog fouling should be reported in order that follow-up action could be taken, where appropriate.