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Agenda and minutes

Venue: The Council Chamber - City Hall, College Green, Bristol, BS1 5TR. View directions

Contact: Norman Cornthwaite 

Link: Watch Live Webcast

No. Item


Welcome, Introductions and Safety Information pdf icon PDF 102 KB

Additional documents:


The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and issued the safety information.


Apologies for Absence and Substitutions


Apologies were received from Cllrs Philippa Hulme (Vice Chair) and Farah Hussain, substitutes Amal Ali and Fabian Breckels; and Fi Hance, substitute Ani Stafford-Townsend.



Declarations of Interest

To note any interests relevant to the consideration of items on the agenda.

Please note that any declarations of interest made at the meeting which are not on the register of interests should be notified to the Monitoring Officer for inclusion.




The following was received:


Cllr Jackson – Agenda Item No. 9b, the site is in his Ward.



Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 178 KB

To agree the minutes of the last meeting as a correct record.


Resolved - that the Minutes be confirmed as a correct record of the Meeting.



Action Sheet pdf icon PDF 55 KB

The Committee is requested to note any outstanding actions listed on the rolling Action Sheet for DCA Committee.


It was noted that Action No. 2 had been completed in December 2023.



Appeals pdf icon PDF 127 KB

To note appeals lodged, imminent public inquiries and appeals awaiting decision.


The Deputy Head of Planning, Development Management introduced the report.


He noted that as they clear the backlog of applications and issue decision notices, some of which will be refusals, an increase in the number of Appeals lodged is likely to occur.


He drew Members attention to Item 36 – 6 Sussex Place where the Appeal was upheld and costs awarded against BCC as a result of the delay in determining the application. He also drew Members attention to Appeals relating to Enforcement Notices – Items 37, 45 and 57; 2 were upheld and 1 was dismissed.


It was noted that applications which can be easily approved receive priority in terms of determination.


Cllr Eddy requested a copy of the decision relating to Item 39. (A copy of the decision was subsequently sent to Cllr Eddy.)



Enforcement pdf icon PDF 247 KB

To note recent enforcement notices.


The Deputy Head of Planning, Development Management introduced the report.


It was noted that the third Meeting running there were no items to report. It was also noted that there would be a report on Enforcement the following month.



Public Forum pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Up to 30 minutes is allowed for this item.


Any member of the public or Councillor may participate in Public Forum.  The detailed arrangements for so doing are set out in the Public Information Sheet at the back of this agenda.  Public Forum items should be emailed to and please note that the following deadlines will apply in relation to this meeting:-


Questions - Written questions must be received 3 clear working days prior to the meeting.  For this meeting, this means that your question(s) must be received in this office at the latest by 5 pm on Thursday 18th January 2024.


Petitions and Statements - Petitions and statements must be received on the working day prior to the meeting.  For this meeting this means that your submission must be received in this office at the latest by 12.00 noon on Tuesday 23rd January 2024.




In accordance with previous practice adopted for people wishing to speak at Development Control Committees, please note that you may only be allowed 1 minute subject to the number of requests received for the meeting.


If you have any futher questions, please see the Public Forum FAQ page on the Development Control Committee A page of the Bristol City Council website


Members of the press and public who plan to attend a public meeting at City Hall are advised that you will be required to sign in when you arrive and you will be issued with a visitor pass which you will need to display at all times.






Membersof theCommittee receivedPublic ForumStatements inadvance ofthe meeting.


The Statementswere heardbefore theapplication theyrelated toand weretaken fullyinto consideration by the Committee prior to reaching a decision.



Planning and Development pdf icon PDF 54 KB


22/01583/F - Rhubarb Tavern 30 Queen Ann Road Bristol BS5 9TX pdf icon PDF 9 MB


The Presenting Officer introduced the report, summarised it for everyone and gave a presentation.


The application is for a change of use of upper floors to residential use at the Rhubarb Tavern and construction of 6 flats on the land to the rear. 8 dwellings in total.


The following answers were provided to questions:


  • It would not make sense for the applicant to build the flats but leave the pub vacant and open to squatting and vandalism; conditions could be added to ensure that the fabric of the pub building is preserved as it is a locally listed building
  • Although a condition relating to the pub landlord occupying the upper floor dwellings may not be enforceable, the applicants have indicated that they would be happy with such an arrangement; although the upstairs accommodation would no longer be ancillary to the pub it may be possible to add an advice note relating to the occupation of the upstairs accommodation
  • It was noted that a report from CAMRA and a marketing report from the applicant’s agent had differing views on the viability of the pub; BCC therefore commissioned an independent viability study which concluded that the pub is not viable at present but the proposed development would make it viable, including an arrangement where the landlord occupies the upstairs accommodation
  • The proposed development would result in a much smaller garden area and part of which would be a communal garden for the occupiers of the proposed flats
  • There is not a condition requiring the renovation of the pub to carried out prior to the occupation of the proposed flats but if the Members wanted such a condition it could be considered; it was noted that it would not be an attractive proposition to rent out the proposed flats if the pub was still being renovated
  • The Practice Note concerning the viability of pubs relates to proposed closures, however this application relates to the renovation and re-opening of the pub; the pub has been closed for some time and has been vandalised, and is in a poor state of repair; the pub is not viable at present
  • It was noted that this application was submitted prior to the Practice Note being adopted; the information that Officers have relating to the viability of the pub enables them to recommend approval of the application
  • Financing of the development is not a material planning consideration; should the owner not redevelop the site and offer the site for sale the pub could be considered a community asset
  • The inclusion of the phasing plan governing the development is a possibility but it would have to be discussed with the applicant
  • The applicant is willing to link the upstairs accommodation to the pub if this helps secure approval of the application; this would require a revised plan to be submitted
  • The renovation cost for the pub was a figure calculate by the viability assessors using standard industry methodology as well as the cost of renovating the bar, kitchen, etc.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 22.


23/03423/FB - Filwood Park Playing Fields Creswicke Road Bristol BS4 1UA pdf icon PDF 2 MB


The Presenting Officer introduced the report, summarised it for everyone and gave a presentation.

The application is for a proposal to construct a new Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) at Filwood Playing Fields including floodlighting, fencing, seating areas, fitness equipment, pedestrian and vehicle maintenance routes and landscaping.


The following answers were provided to questions:


  • The entrance from Manning Road has been removed
  • The issue of crime and disorder, and anti-social behaviour has been taken into account in relation to the application, this includes the Management Statement having been updated
  • The application meets the guidance relating to the distance between the facility and the nearest houses
  • The CCTV will be monitored by BCC




  • Filwood will benefit from the scheme
  • The impact on neighbours and residents has to be taken into account by way of the Management Plan
  • Pleased that CCTV will be provided
  • This should reduce anti-social behaviour as it provides a facility for young people



Cllr Eddy moved the Officer Recommendation to Grant the application.


Cllr Jackson seconded this motion.


On being put to the Vote it was


Resolved – (Voting 9 for, 0 against) that the application be Granted subject to Conditions.



Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 6th March 2024 at 6.00 pm.


The next Meeting of the Committee is on Wednesday 6th March 2024 at 6.00 pm.




Amendment Sheet pdf icon PDF 56 KB