- Agenda and draft minutes Content
Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Oasis John Williams Academy, Petherton Road, BS14 9BU
Contact: Norman Cornthwaite
No. | Item | ||||
Chairing Arrangements Minutes: Councillor Steve Jones was elected as Chair for the Meeting. |
Welcome, Introductions and Safety Information |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Graham Morris. |
Declarations of Interest To note any interests relevant to the consideration of the items on the Agenda. Minutes: Agenda Item No. 14 Budget Allocation; Councillor Clark – Southern Links Children’s Centre.
Minutes of the Meeting held on 28th September 2016 PDF 297 KB To agree the Minutes of the last Meeting as a correct record for signature by the Chair. Minutes: It was noted that the Minutes of the Meeting held on 15th June 2016 had not been considered at the Meeting on 28th September 2016. It was agreed that these would be considered at the Meeting on 15th March 2017.
Agreed – that the Minutes were a correct record of the Meeting and can be signed by the Chair. |
Matters Arising Minutes: There were none.
Public Forum Written statements must be received by no later than 12.00 noon on Tuesday 13th December 2016.
Please also see Agenda Item No. 18 - Information. Minutes: Nothing was received.
N P Resident Representatives Ariaf Hussain Minutes: Agreed – that Robert Harris, Trevor Hilliar, Barbara Kirby and Jenny Smith serve as Representatives.
South Bristol Housing Zone (inc. Hengrove Park Phase 2) Abigail Stratford/Emily Price
For information. Minutes: Abigail Stratford and Emily Price gave a presentation. This is available at
A number of issues were raised during the debate on the project including the following:
· Drainage · The number of children and school places · New link road · Parking · Road congestion and pollution · High density housing and social problems · Leisure/play areas and their locations · The location of a GP Surgery · The Rugby Club location · Drones · Affordable housing · Parks maintenance · Cycle shed provision · CIL money for road network improvements · Plans to reduce car usage and dependency · Employment provision · Metrobus users parking in the area · Protection of the rest of the park from development
It was noted that there would be further consultation during January and February
Agreed – that the update be noted. |
New Dementia Care and Retirement Living Facility, off New Fosseway Road PDF 97 KB For information. Minutes: Ariaf Hussain introduced the report.
Agreed – that the report be noted.
Bristol City Council Corporate Strategy Consultation Update PDF 182 KB Ward Councillors
To note the content of the report and the summary strategy document. Additional documents: Minutes: Ariaf Hussain introduced the report and summarised it for everyone. He advised that a freeze on N P spending had been introduced. He encouraged everyone to comment on the Strategy.
Agreed – that the update be noted. |
Neighbourhood Budget Report PDF 123 KB Ariaf Hussain
The Neighbourhood Committee is requested to: 1. Notes the Budget 2. Discusses and confirms any changes (where appropriate) 3. Agrees any allocations to the delivery of the NP plan (where appropriate) 4. Agrees any budget requests (at the appropriate agenda item)
Additional documents: Minutes: Ariaf Hussain introduced the report and summarised it for everyone. Resolved – that the report be noted.
Transformers Youth Fund PDF 191 KB Hayley Ash
To accept £5000 Transformer’s Youth Fund and administer through the Wellbeing Process as per the conditions within the report. Decisions to be agreed by the whole Neighbourhood Partnership
Minutes: Ariaf Hussain
introduced the report and summarised it for everyone. |
Budget Allocation Report - Wellbeing and s106 PDF 127 KB Ariaf Hussain
That the Neighbourhood Committee approves the recommendations from the Wellbeing Panel for the allocation of Wellbeing Funding - £6,655. Minutes: Ariaf Hussain introduced the report and summarised it for everyone. He advised any decisions relating to funding could only be implemented if the freeze on N P expenditure is lifted.
Following a debate it was
Resolved – that the Neighbourhood Committee approves the recommendations from the Wellbeing Panel for the allocation of Wellbeing Funding totalling £6,655, subject to the freeze on N P expenditure being lifted.
Neighbourhood Partnership Coordinators' Update Report PDF 147 KB Ariaf Hussain
To note and discuss the updates and dates diaries on the following:
1. To note and respond to the Clean Streets Campaign 2. To note the Parks and Play Update 3. To note NP changes and developments 4. Dates – 2016/2017 5. Draft Dates – 2017/2018 Additional documents:
Minutes: Ariaf Hussain introduced the report and summarised it for everyone. He advised that he had received an e-mail stating that the present N P structure would not be delivered after 31st March 2017.
In relation to the Proposed Community Transfer the N P confirmed its support for the proposal as it would help Bedminster Down School raise education standards in the area.
In relation to the Parks and Play Update, Ariaf Hussain stated that he would contact James Anderson to arrange a meeting with Councillors.
Agreed – (1) that the Clean Streets Campaign be noted;
(2) that the Parks and Play Update be noted;
(3) that the NP changes and developments be noted;
(4) that the Dates – 2016/2017 be noted;
(5) that the draft Dates – 2017/2018 be noted; and
(6) that the proposed Community Asset Transfer be supported.
Any Other Business Minutes: Inspector Robert Cheeseman introduced himself and advised he had replaced Inspector Colston a temporary basis. He advised that although dwelling burglaries and motor vehicle thefts have risen steeply, the Police addressing the issues through a number of initiatives.
Date of Next Meeting 7pm, Wednesday 15th March 2017, Christ the Servant Church, Stockwood Road, BS14 8SP Minutes: Wednesday 15th March 2017 at 7.00 pm, venue – Christ the Servant Church, Stockwood Road, BS14 8SP.
Information Contacts – The local Neighbourhood Partnership (NP) Coordinator is: Ariaf Hussain Telephone: 0117 92 23218 e-mail: The clerk to the meeting is: Norman Cornthwaite, Democratic Services Officer Telephone: 0117 92 22390 e-mail: or
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