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Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: The Beehive Centre, 19a Stretford Road, St George, Bristol, BS5 7AW

Contact: Ruth Quantock 

No. Item


Welcome, Introductions and Safety Information


The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and attendees introduced themselves.


It was noted that the Council had moved to a new, electronic system for the distribution of agenda papers.  Members of the partnership could “opt-in” to receive agenda papers electronically if they so wished; unless members specifically opted-in to receive electronic copies, they would continue to receive paper copies.



A document was circulated setting out updated information on the proposed membership of the partnership for 2016-17.  It was agreed that this document should be discussed at this point in the meeting (noting that the formal AGM report would be considered later at the meeting).


Key points raised / noted:


a. It would be important to try to engage young people with the NP and actively encourage their participation, and also to look to strengthen the representation from community and faith groups.  It was agreed it would useful to hold an informal session of the NP to discuss how to encourage wider participation in the NP and its activities.


b. Following discussion, it was agreed that the number of resident representatives per electoral ward in the NP area should be increased, as follows:

- St George Central ward – 6 representatives

- St George Troopers Hill ward – 3 representatives

- St George West ward – 3 representatives


c. Each sub-group champion should be a member of the partnership, i.e. as new sub-groups/champions emerged, they would automatically join the partnership.


d. Resident representatives should be encouraged to volunteer to take the lead responsibility for taking forward identified priorities within the NP plan.



Apologies for Absence and Substitutions pdf icon PDF 46 KB


Apologies were received from Councillor Fabian Breckels, Paul Fudgell and Nigel Williams.

At this point, Tamsin Harcourt apologised for leaving early.



Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest from NP members.  They are asked to indicate the relevant agenda item, the nature of the interest and in particular whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest.


Any declarations of interest made by Councillors at the meeting which is not on the register of interests should be notified to the Monitoring Officer for inclusion.






Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 134 KB

To agree the minutes of the previous meeting as a correct record.




That the minutes of the meeting of the St George NP held on 25 May 2016 be confirmed as a correct record subject to noting that with regard to wellbeing grants (page 11 of the agenda pack) the wellbeing grant application from Friends of Dundridge Park had been withdrawn.


Matters arising/information updates:


a. Local traffic scheme - Lypiatt Road parking:  It was noted that a decision on funding (on a 50% basis) of this scheme had been deferred pending receipt of detailed information about proposals for the regeneration of Church Road and related traffic improvements.  It was noted that clarification was still awaited on the detail of any regeneration scheme.  Following discussion, Councillor Pearce advised that he would raise this issue with Cabinet members with a view to securing clarification for the NP on this issue.


b. Anti-social parking in Harcourt Avenue, St George: the Chair advised that he had written to Adam Crowther, the Council’s Head of Strategic City Transport about this issue, and would follow up on this matter.


c. Cenotaph: It was noted that this year’s civic Remembrance Day service would take place at the Memorial Stadium in Horfield.



Action tracker pdf icon PDF 306 KB

To note and confirm completed items


The NP reviewed the action tracker, commenting as follows:


Page 16 – delete the reference to equalities training as this action has been completed.


Page 17 - equalities training dates: it was noted that the next available training dates were 21 July and 22 September (exact times and venues to be confirmed) – any members of the partnership interested in attending these sessions should advise the NP Co-ordinator as soon as possible in order that places could be reserved.



Chair's Business

To note any announcements from the Chair




Public Forum

Any member of the public or Councillor may participate in Public Forum.  The detailed arrangements for so doing are set out in the Public Information Sheet at the back of this agenda.  Public Forum items should be emailed to and please note that the following deadlines will apply in relation to this meeting:-


Questions - Written questions must be received 3 clear working days prior to the meeting.  For this meeting, this means that your question(s) must be received in this office at the latest by 5 pm on Tuesday 14th June.


Petitions and Statements - Petitions and statements must be received on the working day prior to the meeting.  For this meeting this means that your submission must be received in this office at the latest by 12.00 noon on Tuesday 21 June.







NP Plan Achievements pdf icon PDF 913 KB

To note achievements in delivering the NP Plan

(Report of Abdulrazak Dahir, NP Co-ordinator and verbal update from Sergeant Claire Boddie)


Presented By: Abdulrazak Dahir, NP Co-ordinator,) (Verbal report of Sergeant Claire Boddie)


The NP considered a report reviewing the achievements of the partnership.


Following this review, and taking account of comments at today’s meeting, the intention was to finalise the document and load it to the NP website, to help demonstrate and widen local knowledge about the partnership’s achievements and progress.


Key points raised/noted:


a. The use of pictures as visual aids throughout the document was welcomed.  It was suggested that selected, laminated pictures and graphics could be usefully displayed, with accompanying commentary, on community noticeboards, to help raise local awareness of partnership activities.


b. Activity 7 (environment) – Visually enhance Kingsway precinct and Church Road shopping areas: amend typographical error to make it clear that the participation of Church Road residents and businesses is being actively encouraged.


c. Activity 6 (environment) – Visually enhance other public spaces, as identified by the Environment Sub-Group:  Include a reference to the £500 grant from the Royal Horticultural Society, and to the work that has taken place in connection with St George in Bloom and Bristol in Bloom. 


d. It was suggested that social media should continue to be used to spread positive messages about partnership activity, particularly in terms of reaching young people.


e. Any member of the partnership who was interested in taking the lead around any priority should liaise direct with the NP Co-ordinator.  Further sub-groups/champions could be established as necessary.


f. The work undertaken over the last year by the consultant engaged to assist fundraising to improve children’s play areas (Dundridge Park and Troopers Hill) had been a particularly successful initiative, and had represented an excellent “value for money” investment.


g. Police / community safety update – main points noted:

- Neighbourhood policing teams had been proactive in handing out crime stoppers leaflets, and attending relevant public events.

- The Police were now using social media, as well as their web site, to keep the public informed.

- A drug education programme would be piloted over the next 6 months.

- Local action was being taken around reducing burglary, linking in with neighbourhood watch.  Grenville Johnson thanked the police for the support/advice they provided on an ongoing basis to the local network of neighbourhood watch co-ordinators.

- Domestic violence – Claire Boddie agreed to supply 20 A4 posters about tackling domestic violence to Susan Acton-Campbell, for display locally.

- Mental health issues – Cllr Craig updated the partnership on the new approach being taken by the police whereby, from 1 July, anyone remanded in custody who was then identified to have mental health issues would not be locked up.  She undertook to send information on this to the NP Co-ordinator.

- It was stressed that it was important to spread the message locally about reporting crime whenever it occurred in a timely and accurate way (e.g. this had helped to address the issue of the theft of bikes in Meadowvale Park).



That the report and the above information / comments be noted.



AGM report pdf icon PDF 201 KB

To confirm and note the arrangements for the neighbourhood partnership for 2016/17

(Report of Abdulrazak Dahir, NP Co-ordinator)

Presented By: Abdulrazak Dahir, NP Co-ordinator

Additional documents:


It was noted that issues around membership had been discussed earlier at this meeting.




1. That the NP membership be confirmed as per the report and document circulated at the meeting, subject to the following:


a. The number of resident representatives per electoral ward in the NP area should be increased, as follows:

- St George central ward – 6 representatives

- St George Troopers Hill ward – 3 representatives

- St George West ward – 3 representatives


b. Each sub-group champion should be a member of the partnership, i.e. as new sub-groups/champions emerge, they will automatically join the partnership.


2. That Rob Acton-Campbell be elected as Chair of the NP for 2016-17.


3. That Cllr Pearce be elected as Chair of the Neighbourhood Committee for 2016-17, and that Cllr Pearce also be elected as Vice-Chair of the NP.


4. That Cllr Breckels be elected as Vice-Chair of the Neighbourhood Committee for 2016-17.


5. That the NP and Neighbourhood Committee terms of reference for 2016-17 be noted, together with the Neighbourhood Committee financial operating framework.


6. That the devolved NP budget for 2016-17 and devolved powers be noted.


7. That the 2015-16 financial statement be noted.


6. That the sub-group structure and meeting schedule/dates be agreed (it was noted that the Chair / NP co-ordinator would check the minimum number of people required to constitute a sub-group. Sub-group terms of reference would also be published on the St George NP website).


In further discussion:


- Rob Acton-Campbell was thanked by the partnership in appreciation of his work as Chair of the NP over the last year.


- It was agreed that it would be useful to re-introduce the practice of including a map of the NP area with future NP agenda papers.



AGM Elections

To elect Neighbourhood Partnership Chair and Vice-Chair for 2016/17


Dealt with under item 9 – AGM report.


NP Activities - Business Report pdf icon PDF 139 KB

For discussion and decisions

(Report of Subgroup Champions and Abdulrazak Dahir, NP Co-ordinator)

Presented By: Abdulrazak Dahir, NP Co-ordinator


The business activities report was considered as follows:


a. Citywide NP event – the arrangements for the citywide event to be held on 20 July were noted.


b. Operations sub-group update – the update report was noted.



To approve the recommendation from the sub-group (as set out in the report) to identify one new priority under the Employment, Training and Economic Development theme, plus new activities and changes to existing activities in the NP plans (a reference to Rodney Road playing fields should be included in the list of sport pitches listed under activity 7).


c. Environment sub-group update – the update report was noted.



To approve the recommendation from the sub-group (as set out in the report) in relation to the environment priorities.


d. Traffic and transport sub-group update – the update report was noted.


e. Wellbeing grants


The Neighbourhood Committee considered the recommendations from the Wellbeing sub-group, and




1. That £500 be awarded to Cossham Road to fund hanging baskets / brackets / planters / compost / plants to enhance the whole road and to encourage all residents to participate, especially isolated and vulnerable residents.

Condition(s): Encourage other streets to follow and, if they are using social media, to publicise what they are doing and the support they are receiving from this NP.


2. That £1716 be awarded to Friends of Kingsway Youth to fund improvements to the youth group’s allotment site.

Condition(s): The amount awarded is to include the cost of securing public liability insurance but it is expected that all options will be explored to secure the most advantageous cost of this cover.  The health and safety policy must be supplied before the grant is released, plus an example of the publicity that will be used to attract volunteers to the project.


3. That £310 be awarded to Friends of Troopers Hill to fund an opening event for the new play area on Troopers Hill Field to publicise what the NP can do to help community groups to achieve their aims and explain how this project succeeded.

Condition(s): None.


4. That £1327.99  be awarded to The Hive Avon Ltd - £1327.99 to fund a laptop, projector, and iPads to extend the range of communication options for the people with learning disabilities who are supported by the Hive.

Condition(s): It is recommended that the Hive check the compatibility of the iPads with the other items of equipment prior to purchase.


5. That £487 be awarded to Summerhill Methodist Church to fund installing cycle stands for members of the public making use of the church facilities.

Condition(s): None. 


6. That £2,000 be awarded to The Haven for funding towards the services of a co-ordinator to work for 2 days a week for a year to build and furnish a roundhouse and to work with a partner organisation to improve the accessibility of the Haven’s services.

Condition(s): The grant is subject to production of public liability cover and the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11.


Announcement of Election Results


Dealt with under item 9 – AGM report