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Agenda and minutes

Venue: The Council Chamber - City Hall, College Green, Bristol, BS1 5TR. View directions

No. Item


Welcome, introductions and apologies for absence pdf icon PDF 411 KB


The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.  There were no apologies for absence.



Approval of minutes from previous meeting pdf icon PDF 470 KB

To consider the minutes of the previous meeting held on 29th July 2021


RESOLVED – that the Minutes of the previous meeting held on 29 July 2021 be confirmed as a correct record subject to an amendment to note that the Brislington East Councillors were not present, and it had been Councillor Andrew Varney rather than a Brislington East Councillor who had thanked Tree Officers.


Declarations of Interest


The following declarations of interest were noted:

Cllr Bradshaw – Chair of Way out West

Cllr Varney – Member of Friends of Arnos Court Park

Cllr Clark – Member of Friends of Arnos Court Park

Cllr Dyer – Member of Friends of Ashton Park Estate and Bedminster Improvement District

Cllr Fitzjohn reported she had helped write the Victoria Park 130 bid, but the beneficiary of any funding was the Victoria Park Group.


Public Forum statements pdf icon PDF 473 KB

Members of the public may make a written statement ask a question or present a petition and is about a matter which is the responsibility of the committee concerned.  Your statement or question will be sent to the Committee and be available in the meeting room one hour before the meeting. 


Please submit it to  The following requirements apply:


·         The statement is received no later than 12.00 noon on the working day before the meeting 10th November 2021.

·         The question is received no later than three clear working days before the meeting Friday 5th November 5pm. 



Members noted the 2 public forum questions and responses submitted in advance of the meeting and published on the Council’s website:


Suzanne Audrey

St Lukes Road pedestrian crossing

Tom Bosanquet

St Lukes Road pedestrian crossing


Suzanne Audrey asked that her thanks be passed onto the officer who replied to her question.


Community Resources Manager Update and Decision Report pdf icon PDF 849 KB

The report recommends funding decisions on submitted proposals for CIL and S106 funding; decisions on previously-allocated sums of S106 and CIL which are either underspent or have not been drawn-down; a decision on a proposal to ‘pair wards’ within the AC area.

Additional documents:


The Community Resources Manager introduced the report as follows:


  1. An update on previous projects was now published every six months on the Bristol City Council website and the next update was due in February.
  2. The Area Committee had met informally in July 2021 to consider the funding available and selected the top priority projects from each ward to invite to submit Stage 2 full proposals as follows:



Project Name

Outline £ requested/


Full Proposal£






S106 reference


New flooring and window for AshtonVale Club for








Improvements to Dame Emily Park






171to 178 Coronation    Road,, Southville




St Anne’s Wood –Step








Arnos Court Park –New








Victoria Park –Water Maze refurbishment& interpretation








Northern Slopes - The SlowPath on

the Bommie or Becca’s Path














  1. At the end of September 2021 there was a total of £97,761.29 available to Area Committee 5 of uncommitted CiL and if the Committee approved all the requests for CIL funding, a total of £5,390.94 CIL would remain.
  2. At the end of September 2021 there was a total of £130,411.55 uncommitted Section 106 agreement monies available for Area Committee .  Of this sum £20,029.69 was for Transport-focused work; £78,189.71 was for Parks and Green Spaces work; £32,192.15 was for Tree Planting.  £45,000 (171-178 Coronation Road Southville) was proposed to support improvements to Dame Emily Park.
  3. There were a number of CIL and S106 sums that had been awarded by Neighbourhood Partnerships prior to 2018/Area Committee and had not been drawn down and some could potentially be ‘un-allocated’.


The following comments were raised by Members:

1.      Officers be requested to look into the provision of bins at Perrets Park, Windmill Hill and to confirm if funding was from a capital receipt rather than CiL.  Action: Parks Officers

2.      Members expressed concern that Ashton Vale Community Centre had not engaged around using funding for a Children’s Play Area as previously agreed to support the creation of a play area after Parks had spent allocated funding to install new fencing at the venue as a first step towards installing the play equipment.  There was a discussion on how this could be pursued.  It was noted that the Parks Department would need to make up the shortfall if the money was not paid back.  The Ward Councillors agreed to make contact with the Management Committee of Ashton Vale Community Centre with a view to seeking a satisfactory resolution of the issue and securing the repayment of the £11,397 which had been drawn down, but not used for the intended purpose.  In considering options for the £4,175 allocated for Improvements to the environment immediately outside the community centre, it was agreed that this should be unallocated and restored back to the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11.