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Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: 1P05: Beira Room - City Hall, College Green, Bristol, BS1 5TR. View directions

No. Item


Welcome, Introductions and Apologies for Absence pdf icon PDF 98 KB


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Dyer and Davies.




Declarations of Interest


The Chair declared that his wife was a tenant at The Park Centre and there was an outline proposal in from this organisation.



Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 241 KB


Matters Arising.

-          There was some discussion around inflation eroding CIL funding and whether the monies could be moved to a high interest account. The CRM reported that she had been informed that CIL did not accrue interest and she agreed to forward the email detailing this to the membership; Action ES.

-          There was concern at the increased cost of transport schemes as a result of delays. The Chair confirmed that officers estimated the increased cost at approximately 20%-30%;

-          The CRM confirmed that £100k allocated to Wells Road Signalised Crossing has been drawn down by transport so is not available to be reallocated to other projects. The Mayor’s Office have informed the CRM that WECA have been approached to ask if the funding could be reimbursed as this work is part of a wider scheme they are leading;

-          The grant for the Mural at Windmill Hill had now been paid;

-          The outline proposal for stopping verge parking at Wedmore Vale had been delayed as Councillors had yet to consult with Residents;

-          The Foxcote Road noticeboards remained outline as a detailed proposal had not been received;

-          A Councillor objected to the comment in the report about some low value schemes being more appropriate for other sources of funding. The CRM responded that some very small value schemes required a great deal of resource input which is disproportional.

-          A Councillor reported that a scheme previously allocated funding at St Paul’s Church on Coronation Road was still awaiting funding one year on. The CRM agreed to follow this up; Action ES;


       Resolved – That the minutes of the meeting on 16 March 2023 be approved as a correct record.



Public Forum pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Members of the public may make a written statement ask a question or present a petition to most meetings.  Your statement or question will be sent to the Committee and be available in the meeting room one hour before the meeting.  Please submit it to or Democratic Services Section, City Hall, College Green, Bristol BS1 5UY.  The following requirements apply:


·       The statement is received no later than 12.00 noon on the working day before the meetingand is about a matter which is the responsibility of the committee concerned ie 17 October.

·       The question is received no later than 5pm three clear working days before the meeting ie. 12 October.



Supplementary Question – Suzanne Audrey Is there anything the community can do to stay on agenda and get the extra money allocated to get the planned pedestrian crossing on St Lukes Road done?

In the absence of a Highway Officer the Chair responded that she should continue to come to the Area Committee and it would be possible to allocate extra funding if required.

It was agreed that all existing transport schemes should be dealt with as a priority, before funding was allocated to new schemes.

The Committee noted the statements received.



Community Resources Manager Update pdf icon PDF 217 KB

Additional documents:


The CRM introduced the report and highlighted the following:-

  1. Area Committee 5 currently has £374,029.37 general CIL funding available to allocate for


  1. As of 30 September 2023 Area Committee 5 had £31, 294.55 uncommitted Section 106 agreement monies available, of which £1,700.77 was designated specifically for tree planting and replacement;
  2. Councillors were asked to consider 46 Outline Proposals submitted, and to decide which to invite to submit full proposals in Stage 2;
  3. Councillors were asked to consider a full proposal for S106 tree funding;
  4. It was generally agreed by the Committee that Transport/Highway proposals should not go forward to Stage 2 due to the resourcing/capacity issues within that team.



2023 Stage 2 Full Project Proposals: for decision


The Committee then considered the Tree Proposal as set out in paragraph 17 of the report. The following comments arose from discussion:-


  1. One of the Ward Councillors for Southville expressed great concern that tree officers had not looked for sites in Southville despite it being the 2nd hottest ward in Bristol and there was therefore a need for heat mitigation through tree planting. She would not vote for the tree planting proposals;
  2. The Chair proposed that the three small tree planting proposals be approved and that officers be tasked with looking for proposals and a pipeline for S106 tree replacements and work with the Ward Councillor for Southville for a strategic plan and not accept low hanging fruit proposals; Action John Atkinson (Tree Bristol Officer)
  3. It was noted that the cost of tree replacement proposals had increased due to inflation;
  4. The proposals as set out in the report was moved by Councillor Varney and seconded by Councillor Hopkins and on being put to the vote it was:-


Resolved – (8 for, 2 against) That the tree planting proposals for Kingshill Road, Knowle, Gores Marsh Park, Bedminster & Victoria Park, Windmill Hill with a delivery cost of £3, 124.98 be approved.


2023 Stage 1 Outline Proposals submitted for consideration.

The Committee then considered 46 Outline Proposals submitted for consideration to go to Stage 2 to develop full proposals as set out in Appendix 3 of the report.

The CRM advised against inviting more proposals to stage 2 than it is likely the committee will be able to fund. This is due to the workload involved for organisations and colleagues developing full proposals. She confirmed that from October 2024 £137,000 would be available. It was noted that 4 proposals had been withdrawn from Knowle Ward.

Bedminster Ward.

The Ward Councillors agreed to prioritise the following schemes to go forward to Stage 2:-


Residents Group Foxcote Road

Noticeboards for Foxcote Road, Ashton



Ashton Vale Club for Young People

Ashton Vale CYP media and arts room

£58, 500


Ashton Vale Together

Community Notice Board.



·       It was agreed that Ashton Vale Club be asked to work up their proposal and provide a set of prices on their priorities. Action ES

·       A scheme for traffic calming around Compass Point primary school  was discussed,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.