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Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: The Puerto Morazan Room - City Hall, College Green, Bristol, BS1 5TR. View directions

Contact: Claudette Campbell 

No. Item


Welcome, Introductions and Apologies for Absence pdf icon PDF 103 KB


The Chair, Councillor Brenda Massey, welcomed all parties to the meeting and asked Officers & Members to introduce themselves.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Phillipa Hulme and Councillor Mark Weston.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any Declarations of Interest from Members of Council that are relevant to any items on the Agenda.


There were no Declaration of Interest


Minutes of previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 239 KB

To agree that Minutes of the previous Meeting are a correct record for signature by the Chair.


RESOLVED – that the minutes of the meeting held on the 7th November 2022 confirmed as a correct record.


Public Forum

Members of the public may make written statements to the Committee. These should be sent to or Bristol City Council, Democratic Services Section, City Hall, 3rd Floor Deanery Wing, College Green, P O Box 3176, Bristol, BS3 9FS.


Any statements must be received by 12.00 noon the working day prior to the Meeting and must relate to a matter for which the Committee has responsilbility.



There were no Public Forum items.


Community Resources Manager Update pdf icon PDF 224 KB


Ellie Stevens, Community Resources Manager, introduced this report and, together with John Atkinson made the following points:


a.      Member’s attention was drawn to the 6 monthly progress update set out on the website.

b.      The Terms of Reference had been recently adjusted to confirm that this was a formal meeting.

c.       Members were asked to note the lack of funds available to this committee.

d.      Cllr Edwards and Cllr Fodor drew officer’s attention to schemes that were in progress; seeking a means to encourage progress; updates and alterations to them. 

e.      Members were advised that a number of factors were delaying schemes being finalised; Transport service reported that there was a 2 year delay on delivering schemes; that the cost of living increase had impacted the pricing and costings of schemes.

f.        Transport would provide updates on their areas of responsibility to members; concerns were expressed with regards to the time involved in receiving updates and progress reports with regards ongoing schemes.

g.       CIL fund available now stood at £8,802.84, an increase to the figure given in the report.

h.      S106 Fund of £59,541.00; of which £46,987.43 designated specifically for tree planting and tree replacement.

i.        Outline Proposals Submitted; the proposals noted at section 14 of the report would be deferred until sums are available for allocation.

j.        Citywide initiative for the deployment of Defibrillator:

                                I.            AC 2 were not being asked for funds to support the initiative

                              II.            Members proposed that Great Western Ambulance service should be asked for data on the location of the units.  It was suggested that it could be provided on a locality map, possibly accessible on line.

                            III.            Action: Action for community resources team: Contact data intelligence team about marking defibrillators on Pin Point.


k.       Jon Atkinson provided an overview of the tree planting scheme and location of the trees.

                                I.            Welcomed members input into the location of trees within their wards

                              II.            Fruit trees were considered as part of the scheme and had been planted in various areas; shared that work continued with community garden groups on the planting of fruit trees.

l.        The next formal meeting of the committee should take place in February 2024 but with the lack of funds available to allocate and the change to the structure of area committee the meeting may be delayed to after the May 2024 local elections.  This will be reviewed earlier next year and upon finalisation of the Community Working Groups proposals.

m.    Cllr Guy Poultney led members thanks to Officers for their continued support to the work and delivery of the committee.


The Committee moved, seconded and upon being put to the vote, it was




1.      To note the progress update on previously approved AC2 projects and the publication of 6 monthly updates published on BCC webpages

2.      Note the CIL and S106 monies available as of 31st October 2023

3.      Note the 3 Outline Proposed submitted that are to be deferred until funds are available.

4.      Agreed the planting  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11.


Appendix 1 CIL Available pdf icon PDF 95 KB


Appendix 2 S106 Available pdf icon PDF 88 KB


Appendix 3 Summary of Outline Proposals pdf icon PDF 71 KB


Appendix 4 Tree Planning s106 Stage II Applications pdf icon PDF 3 MB


Appendix 5 Statement in support of Defibrillator Proposal from GWAAC pdf icon PDF 203 KB