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Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Virtual Meeting via Zoom

Contact: Claudette Campbell 

Note No. Item




Presented By: Chair


In attendance:

Steve Hornsby (Chair)

North Star Academy

Aileen Morrison

St Matthias Park

Alastair Brown

Redcliffe Nursery

Albert Gardiner

Ashton Park Secondary

Chris Pring

Whitehall Primary School

Esther Messinger

Victoria Park Primary

Jeff Sutton

GMB – Non Teaching Union

Jo Kingston

Diocese of Clifton Dept for Schools & Colleges – Holy Cross Primary School

Jo Willis

Diocese of Bristol

Lee Hannan

Brentry Primary

Louise Nevers

St Bernadette Catholic Secondary

Mandy Cheshire

St Bedes Catholic College

Melanie Bunce

Willow Primary

Merche Clarke

St John Primary

Sarah Lovell

Brunel Academy

Sam Packer

PVI Early Years

Steve Mills


Tonya Hill

Special Maintained





Hannah Woodhouse

Executive Director: Children & Education

Tony Kirkham

Interim Finance Director

Emma Lloyd

Head of Service Inclusion

Travis Young

Finance Business Partner: Children & Education

Steven Goodwin

Finance Business Partner: Children & Education

Claudette Campbell

Democratic Services Clerk to School Forum


The Chair, Steve Hornsby, welcomed all to the meeting.


He acknowledged the contribution made by Simon Holmes who had now retired as Head of St Philips Marsh Nursery and the Forum.  He thanked Simon for his positive contribution to schools forum and for advocating for Nursery schools in Bristol over the years. 



Forum Standing Business

(a)    Apologies for Absence

(b)   Confirmation meeting is quorate

(c)    Appointment of new members/Resignations: 

(d)   Notification of Vacancies:

(e)   Declarations of Interest


Presented By: Clerk


a.      Apologies for Absence

·       Simon Eakins (Vice Chair)

·       Simon Holmes – Retired

·       Cameron Shaw

·       David Olet

·       Del Planter

·       Marian Curran

·       Sarah Lovell

b.      Confirmation meeting is quorate

o   The Quorum is 40% of active members present and the meeting had met that threshold as detailed in the attendance list

·       Appointment of new members/resignation

o   No Change

·       Notification of vacancies remain the same

o   Vacant positions to be advertised at the start of the new academic year

o   Primary Head Academy

o   Primary Governor Academy

o   Special Academy

o   Nursery Head

·       Declaration of interest

o   None




Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 114 KB

(a)  To confirm as a correct record

(b)  Matters arising not covered on agenda

Presented By: Chair


The Minutes of the meeting held on the 4th June 2024 were resolved as a correct record.


Matters Arising/Actions would be addressed as Officers presented their reports.


Executive Director Children & Education Presentation


Hannah Woodhouse, Executive Director; Children & Education, addressed the Forum.


Dealt with matters arising:

·       Acknowledged the contribution made by Reena Bhogal-Welsh as she moved to a new assignment in Liverpool, introducing Vik Verma as the Interim Director of Education and Skills.

·       Reminded all about the changes in the political administration and how this now shaped council business going forward. 



SEND Strategy Update pdf icon PDF 829 KB


The SEND Strategy Update presentation was shared with the agenda and report pack, Emma Lloyd, Head of Service – Inclusion, joined the Executive Director.  The following was highlighted:


·       Reassurance was given to the Forum that the intention and commitment was to meet the needs of students as quickly and efficiently as possible.  That they were committed to communicating with all partners as the project progressed which will include opportunities for feedback and analysis.

·       That the decision-making process would be children centred. 

·       Confirmed the additional provision of a Free Special School.

·       Ask all to note that during September 2024 the service will be communicating details of new initiatives around the Inclusion Hub provision. 

·       Assurances were given that the project would continue to work in tandem with parent careers and settings to co-produce the future service provision.  All were thanked for their involvement and valuable contribution to the developments made to date.

·       Asked forum members to note, that 10th Oct 2024 is to be designated Inclusion Day.

The following was noted from the discussion that arose:                               

·       Forum members acknowledged ‘the what and why’ had been well articulated but there remained concerns about the actual ‘look of provision’ for settings and service users.

·       Members were assured that the project included an Improvement Action Plan to drive the ‘How’.  It included mechanisms to enable feedback from carers and children.  It will include defined milestones and deadlines to ensure accountability.

·       A request was made for, firstly, additional information around and about the Partnership Plan and, secondly, for greater communication to parent carers and settings, on the actual impact of limited resources. 

·       Members stressed and Officers agreed the importance of good connectivity within the systems driven by good communications.  A communication schedule had been established that included all the events that would be hosted to bring partners together.

·       Action: Emma Lloyd to report back on the network events proposed and held with outcomes /achievements.

·       Concerns were expressed about the frequent changes in officers particularly the Director of Education role; and asked how with another change, of Officer, consistency of approach would be maintained, and real change driven forward.

·       The Executive Director sympathised with the concerns expressed and assured members that the Strategy was not dependent on personnel but that the strategy included key accountabilities to hold the Local Authority to account; together with the oversight and steer, provided by the current political administration, all combine to drive the strategy forward.  

·       Action:  Strategy Lead to report back to forum with information that sets out clear and concise details of the strategy; its timescales with targets; a simple map of engagement.  Acknowledged that meetings and liaisons had happened but the ask was for the Forum to be advised either in advance or after the events.   



DSG Outturn 2023-24 pdf icon PDF 174 KB


Steven Goodwin, Finance Manager, addressed the DSG Forecast as at period 2, shared as a report in the agenda pack. 


There were no questions from Forum.


The Report was noted. 



DSG Position at Period 2 May 2024-25 pdf icon PDF 97 KB


Steven Goodwin, Finance Manager addressed Forum; the following was highlighted from the report:

·       That the budget was 24.1 million pounds over spent

·       That the pressure arose from the high needs ongoing cost

·       Ask to note a change to para 3.3 which should state ‘overspend’ at page 31

·       The report going forward will report the actual spend and will also note the impact of the Safety Valve award

The Chair thanked Officers for the two reports.




Scheme for Financing Schools pdf icon PDF 88 KB

Additional documents:


Steven Goodwin, Finance Manager, drew Forum Members to the following; the full report with the revised document can be found in the Agenda Report Pack.


a.       Forum was asked to note the report outlined the impact of the DfE direction on the format of the ‘Scheme for Financing Schools’ document.  Particularly where an attempt had been made to revise and clarify areas, for example an explanation on leases.


b.      Overall, there had been no real change to the scheme document and any and all amendments had been accounted for in earlier reiterations.


When put to the vote

-          Maintained Settings agreed to approve the revised document



Hospital Education Funding | For Clarification pdf icon PDF 188 KB


Philippa Scholar, Head Teacher, Bristol Hospital Education School, was present to address any questions from Forum members.


The Report was for Information and not decision.


The following was noted:


a.      Forum Members expressed their concern about the introduction of the recharge to settings when a child was in a hospital setting. 

b.      The impact on moving funds to support those children whilst leaving the original setting with a possible deficit in funding. 

c.       The report appeared to indicate that settings would be paying more funds out to HE setting than they received for that pupil.


Action:  That the figures given in the report would be reviewed by Officers in collaboration Finance.  Only then will the correct figures be presented to Forum.



Schools in Financial Difficulty For Noting pdf icon PDF 150 KB


Steven Goodwin Finance Manager addressed the report.


a.       The grant awarded in October was for allocation during 2024/25.  The actual sum was known in December; the report sets out that the LA is given the authority to determine the methodology for allocation (see Section 3.2).  The intention is to ensure that any allocation made a significant impact to a setting’s overall position, with targeted actions. 

b.       Forum was reminded that all settings with a budget deficit was subject to review and the creation of an approved budget plan.  That the programme to recover the Nursery deficit position was ongoing.

c.       Members were encouraged to read the report and the conclusion and recommendations that have been clearly set out at point 6.5 that details how the grant is currently being utilised.

d.       Action: Forum to receive a further report when settlements have been made.

The Chair thanked Officers for the report and asked all to note that this would be reported at a future meeting.   Adding that many settings have been and will continue to be impacted by financial constraints such as building costs, inflation and pay awards. 


Chair Final Remarks


The Chair closed the meeting thanking all for their attendance and participation.