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Agenda item

Bristol Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2016-17

To receive the report & presentation from Louise Lawton, Independent Chair of Bristol Safeguarding Adults Board.


Louise Lawton, Independent Chair of the Bristol Safeguarding Adults Board addressed the Board referencing the report but particularly directing members to consider the asks listed in the Recommendations and for those recommendations to be endorsed and actioned.


All were reminded that the report was published in the Summer of 2017 and now presented to the new formatted Board for maximum input.



1.     HWB responds to issues raised by the BSAB Chair following the 2015-2016 Annual Report that mental health consultation support for accommodation and care providers should be commissioned as this is yet to be resolved

2.     HWB establishes a shared data dashboard with BSAB about the effectiveness of provision of mental health services to improve scrutiny, consistency and shared drive

3.     HWB reports to the BSAB on their plans to improve safeguarding within mental health services in the city

4.     HWB JSNA to include scrutiny of the impact of neglect and acts of omission for adults with care and support needs

5.     HWB to work with the other city partnerships through the partnership chairs group to develop clearer escalation and governance processes at this time of change

Following were noted from the discussion:


Recommendation 1

a.      That there had been a total of 4 murders of vulnerable people in shared accommodation

b.      Cllr Craig confirmed that the city were aware and work was almost concluded on a number of strategies that would be shared shortly.

c.      Julia Ross noted this as a co-commissioning issue and that conversations would happen with partners.

d.      ACTION: Jacqui Jensen confirmed that Terry Dafter would action this recommendation.


Recommendation 2

e.      The Chair expressed concern over the length of time it had taken for a mental health pathway review to be completed and believed that a shared Dashboard would support, the progression of actions and give pace to all areas of work.

f.       Julia Ross, agreed that all services should be held to account; questioned whether the HWB was the correct forum for some information sharing; accepted the challenge by the BSAB on actions outstanding from the CCG on a specific piece of work around s136 duty; confirmed that the work was nearing completion. Provided reassurance that a response was pending.

g.      A question was asked on the makeup of the Board as to whether membership representation was correct.

h.      The Chair confirmed that there were no gaps in the board membership and a public register of attendance was kept and shared.  That those who failed to attend/participate were noted and follow up action taken when necessary.  ACTION: Information can be shared on request to the HWB.


Recommendation 3

i.       The HWB had now adopted Mental Health has one of its key priorities.


Recommendation 4

j.       The Board agreed that it would continue work on this area.



Recommendation 5

k.      The BSAB was keen to work together with all partners at a time, had the awareness that all services areas were working with constrained budgets.  The ‘ask’ from BSAB to HWB was for a ‘safeguarding lens’ to be applied to all areas of HWB’s remit, which in turn would positively impact the safety of the people of Bristol.


Mayor Rees, thanked the Chair for the work of the BSAB and confirm work would continue to ensure that strategic plans dovetailed with the work of the BSAB.  He propose that BSAB provide the Board with their 3 year plan to enable partners to identify the ‘ask’ from their individual sectors.



I.       To endorse the BSAB annual report

II.     To adopt the 5 recommendations


Supporting documents: