- Agenda item Content
Agenda item
2018/19 Period 10 Forecast Outturn Report
1. Cabinet approved the allocation of an additional £1.0m budget to provide for Clean Streets action plan as per the supplementary estimate set out in Appendix B.
2. Cabinet noted the overall forecast outturn position for general funded services is an underspend of (£0.7m) which is 0.2% of the revised budget (Appendix A -Table 1). This will be managed as part of the final accounts by reviewing the planned movements to and from reserves that have been assumed in the forecast.
3. Cabinet noted the forecast underspend position with regard to the Housing Revenue Account has increased by a further (£3.3m) to a forecast year end position of (£9.7m) (Appendix A4).
4. Cabinet noted the movement in the DSG forecast of £0.3m, which reduces the forecast carry forward underspend to (£0.1m) (Appendix A5).
5. Cabinet noted the further reduction in required drawdown from Public Health reserve to £1.7m, from an original plan of £1.8m (Appendix A6).
6. Cabinet noted the current forecast capital spend of £145m against the capital programme budget of £161m (Appendix A – Table 3).
7. Cabinet noted the forecast net drawdown in reserves of £22.6m (Appendix A - Table 4).
Supporting documents:
- Exec Summary, item 22. PDF 123 KB
- Appendix A - P10 Budget Monitoring Report, item 22. PDF 105 KB
- Revenue Summary 201810, item 22. PDF 290 KB
- Capital Summary 201810, item 22. PDF 396 KB
- P10 Appendix A1 - Adults Children and Education, item 22. PDF 216 KB
- P10 Appendix A2 - Resources, item 22. PDF 242 KB
- P10 Appendix A3 - Growth & Regeneration, item 22. PDF 232 KB
- P10 Appendix A4 - HRA, item 22. PDF 159 KB
- P10 Appendix A5 - DSG, item 22. PDF 63 KB
- P10 Appendix A6 - Public Health Grant, item 22. PDF 78 KB
- Appendix B - Clean Street Supplementary Estimates, item 22. PDF 145 KB