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Agenda item

NP Business Report

NP discussion and NC decision on:-


-        Section 106;

-        Wellbeing Grants;

-        Other NP Business.


Report of subgroups and NP Co-ordinator, Abdulrazak Dahir.


Part 1: Transformers Youth Fund:


The Neighbourhood Partnership heard that Avon & Somerset Police Community Trust managed the Transformers fund, a small grant aimed at working with young people and delivering youth activities It has proved difficult to attract enough projects so the Trust has decided to devolve £5000 to each of Bristol’s NPs. The fund would be administered through the Wellbeing Small Grants Process, the spend would need to be allocated by March 17 and spent by end of March 18. Creative Youth Network agreed to provide support and facilitate a proposal to set-up young people led panel. The NP is asked to accept the funds and transfer to Creative Youth Network, subject to completing an application. The NP heard from George Sloan, the Youth representative who explained that the aim was to create a group like the NP for young people with the aim of improving the community for people of their age.


The following points arose from discussion:-


  • The NP Co-ordinator would monitor the funds and ensure there was an audit trail of spend. There was a social value impact which would also be monitored;
  • When funds were made available, the structure and membership could be formed;
  • Their needed to be some level of accountability for the public;
  • Immediate funds were needed for expenses such as travel and snacks.


The NP was asked to show their support for this proposal. It was unanimous.



Part 2: Wellbeing Grant Applications.


The NP Co-ordinator reported that subsequent to the publication of these papers, there had been an immediate across the Council freeze on spending due to the current budget situation. This therefore meant that decisions could not be taken on the Wellbeing applications in these papers. S106 monies could still be spent and guidance was awaited regarding the spending of CIL monies.


The following points arose from discussion:-


  • The Wellbeing applications approved at the last NP would be processed;
  • The Council should look at all Wellbeing applications to see if S106 could be used instead. It was unfortunate that it would now be necessary to wait until March in order to determine if applications can be funded by S106 monies;
  • Clarity regarding the use of CIL monies should be come quickly;
  • It was agreed that the NP Co-ordinator would produce a note for the NP clarifying budget pots.



Action: NP Co-ordinator to:-

-             produce note confirming budget pots;

-        To confirm if CIL can be used by the NP;

-        To consider whether the applications not dealt with can be granted with S106 monies in light of      frozen spending.




Part 3: Traffic and Transport Update.


It was noted that subgroup recommendations could not be considered due to the spend freeze.


Part 4: Environment Subgroup.


The Neighbourhood Partnership agreed to note the proposals with respect to S106 funding for PROW improvements between St Matthias College Development and Halfpenny Bridge.


The Neighbourhood Committee were asked to approve the following :-


2016/17 S106 funding available for Roegate House, Whitefield Avenue, Speedwell      £13, 133.75


NP Priority




Amount £


Balance £


Priority 3 – Upgrade Play Facility in Fishponds Park

Improvements to Parks and Open Spaces within one mile of Roegate House


13, 133.75




On being put to the vote, this was carried unanimously.



The Chair referred to para. 20 concerning the replacement signage in the vicinity of the M32 Junction 2 roundabout to reflect the new roundabout layout and to carry out repairs on carriageway surfaces in some areas as part of process for taking old white lining with the new layout.


Noting that an argument could be made for funds to be unfrozen if the matter was a health and safety risk, the NP agreed this was indeed a safety risk and noted that an accident would cost the authority additional money. The NP therefore agreed to argue the case for the release of £10,000 for the works.


Action: NP Co-ordinator to work with Councillor Cheney to argue the case for funding the M32 works.




1. That the NP accepts the Transformer’s Youth Fund and agrees to transfer the funds to Creative Youth Network noting that the funds will be processed using the Wellbeing Process.

2. That the freeze on spend for the Wellbeing Grant Applications be noted.

3. That freeze on spend for Traffic and Transport subgroup recommendations be noted.

4. That the S106 funds for improvements to Parks and Open Spaces within one mile of Roegate be approved.

5. That on H&S bases to use £10,000 from the Devolved NP Budget to install suitable signage reflecting the new roundabout layout and to repair carriageway surface.



At this point, Councillor Cheney arrived.



Supporting documents: