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Agenda item

Performance Report Q2


Members were advised that there are many more performance measures for analysis, accessible to elected Members via the Performance page on the Council’s Intranet. 


Commission Members were advised that the Summary page did not highlight the positive measure within Public Health; that this was an omission.


There was a discussion about school attendance data, including it would be helpful to receive data earlier in the year and more regularly than annually;  Members were advised that the data point is the official annual return.


There was a discussion about performance related to Adult Social Care, Education and Children’s services, including concern over:


·         Delayed Transfer of Care measure  (BCP279),

·         Percentage of adults receiving direct payments (DPOE005a)

·         Percentage of Final Education Health Care Plans issued within 20 weeks (BCP227)


Cabinet Member with responsibility for Adult Social Care advised Members that the health service had not had a usual summer in terms of pressures; the winter pressures carried on; one of the effects had been delayed transfers higher as numbers increased.


Commission Members were advised of the focus on prevention, with additional work at the ‘front door.’


Chair asked if people who were being discharged were too fragile to go home - referring to ‘Percentage of older people at home 91 days after discharge from hospital (BCP278)’.  The Commission was advised that people prefer to be at home with proper support at end of life. 


Cabinet Member with responsibility for Adult Social Care advised the Commission that the Home First service, which has brought together therapy and reablement, received a ‘good’ assessment by the Care Quality Commission. The number of readmissions have declined.  


The Commission heard that a reduced rate of alcohol-related hospital admission was key to reduce pressure; a reason why a  drug and alcohol strategy was needed.  There were more people living longer than previously with alcohol related conditions than previously.  This has been reflected in services and hospital admissions. 


Members raised concern about consistency and reliability of statistics relating to BCP227 (Percentage of Final Education Health Care Plans issued within 20 weeks), and were advised that the data collection system is being reviewed.



There was discussion about social worker recruitment, and the Commission was advised that the Council uses less agency people than other areas ; Bristol has had a good record for newly qualified social workers being supported.   






That the link to the relevant intranet page providing access to more performance measures be circulated to Members of the People Scrutiny Commission.  






·         questions about performance where a verbal answer cannot be provided can be put in writing outside the meeting, and written responses be circulated, 

·         how to achieve more regular school attendance data be investigated and reported to the Commission,

·         the relationship between alcohol related conditions and hospital admissions, including impact and pressures, should be looked at in more detail and could be taken to the Health scrutiny sub-committee,

·         the figures relating to BSP227 (Percentage of Final Education Health Care Plans issued within 20 weeks) need further clarity; the Commission requested a written response clarifying the accuracy of the figures.


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