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Agenda item

Small Grants

To consider a report concerning Small Grants.


The Partnership considered the report of the Small Grants Subgroup.  The amount of grant aid requested was £18,207 from seven applicants. All applicants met the criteria and all, at different levels, involved volunteers within the activities, or in the case of Redland Parish Church, the impact of the funding would encourage further voluntary activity. Four had secured other financial resources and all used volunteer time, some extensively.  The Small Grants Subgroup asked for additional information from most of the applications.
It was noted that it was agreed at the NP meeting on April 11th 2016 that £12,000 would be allocated to small grants on June 20th 2016, from a total spend limit of £20,000 for 2016/17. There were seven applications, and one late application. Six were recommended for full or part-funding, totalling £10,418.

The Chair of the Group clarified the issues around the Action for Balanced Communities Group and further information was provided by the representative from the Action for Balanced Communities Group, Dr Patricia Smith. During discussion the following issues were noted:
- The survey would cover Chandos road but the Group was open to the NP suggesting other areas
- A survey has already taken place in Kingsdown which is now in the BCR NP area.
- There was £200 in the Chandos Rd Neighbourhood Association towards the survey so the Neighbourhood Committee could agree to take out £200 from the grant requested by CNA
- The survey would run in November when students are back and bedded in.
- The survey would need to cover 3 groups – residents, students and HMOs
- Two key issues are already known – planning and waste/litter
- The response to previous surveys had been good
- The questionnaire had been checked with the Bristol City Council Consultation Team.
- The same survey could be used as for Kingsdown or it could be tailored to the BCR NP
- It would be possible to defer the grant decision to the October NP meeting and look at the outcome of the previous survey
The Neighbourhood Committee 


1. that the following grants be approved (Cllr Negus declared an interest in respect of the Chandos Road grant and abstained from the vote)



Priorities met (code in 2 below)

Targeted area

Amount requested

Amount agreed

Action for Balanced Communities

To undertake on-line opinion surveys about communities and the student population in 3 selected areas






Deferred to next meeting

Chandos Rd Neighbourhood Association

Community notice board and the ABC survey (see above)





Golden Hill Community garden

Play sessions for SEND children and their siblings





Playing Out

Support playing out in 15 additional streets







Redland Parish Church

Contribution to installing hearing loop in new church hall





Sustainable Bishopston/Living Room

To “green” the Ashley Down area and run a weekend community event to carry out the work








2. That the two applications not recommended by the Sub-Group be noted and that the Domestic Abuse Group applicants be invited to the community event in September to raise their profile

Action: Communities and Engagement group to put out information about the event

3. That having discussed the Action for Balanced communities bid with the Partnership the decision on the grant be deferred to the October NP meeting and that the Partnership work with the Group to identify survey areas.


Cllrs Negus and Fodor to meet with Action for Balanced Communities
Neighbourhood Co-ordinator to send out previous survey report to members

The Neighbourhood Partnership Resolved:

1. That a further £5,000 be made available for small grants in 2016/17, bringing the annual budget from £20,000 to £25,000.
2. That the deadlines for grant applications for 2016/17 are September 5th and an additional date of November 28th 2016.
3. That where it is eligible that all/part of the applications from Chandos Neighbourhood Association, Redland Parish Church and Sustainable Bishopston/Living Room to be funded from CIL allocation up to the value of £5,073.


Supporting documents: