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Agenda item

Planning Application Number 21/00746/F - 6 Clyde Park


Officers introduced this report and made the following comments during the presentation:


·       Details of the application and the site were shown, including photos from different locations

·       The application involved the demolition of an existing garage and replacement with a part single storey property

·       The height would increase form 3.6 to 5.3 metres

·       The property would be built from natural brick and would include timber cladding and a flat green roof with clay tiles and no windows on the side elevation

·       There would be a larger external amenity area

·       There had been 24 objections to the original proposal and there were continuing objections despite some revisions to the scheme

·       Objections included a concern that it would impact on the character and appearance of the Conservation Area, an impact on the nearby St Xavier’s Church and a concern about the impact on trees and ecology

·       Objections to the application had been received from the former Councillor Lake and current Councillor Guy Poultney, as a result of which it had been brought to Committee for consideration

·       The principle of development was that this should take place on previously undeveloped land. It was acknowledged that this application would result in the loss of some garden land

·       The application is very close to the city centre. Overall officers were satisfied that this was a sustainable location and that a significant amount of private land would be retained at 6 Clyde Park

·       The development was in an established mews setting and was in an area characterised by this type of development within the Redland and Cotham Conservation Area. The principle of removing the garage and redesigning it was considered appropriate

·       Officers’ original concerns related to scale, height and materials but did not believe the current proposal would cause overly significant problems, since the 2 storey element was only slightly greater than the garage. The original boundary wall would be retained

·       Precedent – the building was already constructed but any application is assessed on its own individual merits. Officers were satisfied that the design and scale were appropriate to the setting and, following consultation with the City Design Team and Conservation Group, believed that the character and appearance of the Conservation Area would be preserved

·       There would be a significant separation distance between the property and nearby dwellings

·       The applicant had provided details of a section through the site which showed that the development would be only marginally bigger than the boundary wall and was set back. Officers believed that there was no harm in terms of overbearing and overshadowing

·       A privacy screen existed in the bedroom to the new property and a condition would be included to ensure this was kept in perpetuity

·       The Transport Development team had no objections subject to conditions. The development was in the Residents Parking Scheme area

·       An advice note would be attached to the scheme indicating that visitors are eligible for permits

·       A Management Plan would be secured by condition

·       Trees and Ecology – there were no objections subject to a condition. Two small trees will be removed but would be adequately replaced. A Landscape Plan would be secured by condition. There was no objection to the proposal from the ecology officer


The Committee noted that the application was recommended for approval subject to conditions.


Members noted there were a number of concerns in relation to this scheme.


Councillor Richard eddy moved, seconded by Councillor Tom Hathway and it was


RESOLVED (5 for, 1 abstention, 3 against) – that the application be deferred pending a formal Site Inspection.


NB – The Committee was reminded that, since this would be a formal Site Visit confirmed by a formal resolution, all Committee members would need to attend in order to be able to participate in the debate and vote when it was considered at a future meeting,

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