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Agenda item

Planning Application Number 21/00288/F - Ferro Whapping Wharf, Bristol


Officers presented the report and highlighted the following points:

1.     The report shows the location of the houseboat within the harbour. There are pictures before and after alterations. There has been a significant increase in the height of the boat.

2.     The application is within a conservation area, so members should give that relevant weight.

3.     There are 53 letters of support for the application. However, the officer recommendation is to refuse based on policy within a conservation area and the scale of alteration to the boat.


Questions for clarification:

4.     Members expressed confusion about why  planning permission applies in this situation. It is a grey area, but some determining features are the permanence of the mooring to services and this vessel having no engine or propulsion. It is classed as a residence so will need planning permission.

5.     There are many boats in the area used as residences, but they are active vessels despite variations of design.

6.     The application impacts on the character of a conservation area. There are policies to inform that, but it is ultimately a subjective view. Officers give an informed opinion and make recommendations for members.  Applications go through several officer teams, the reports are based on that consensus, they are not a singular view.

7.     Although rare, there have been other applications where officers recommend refusal, but public comments are all supportive. These applications go to committee for determination. 

8.     Granting this application will inevitably set a precedent for other heavily converted houseboats.

9.     These applications need both planning consent and the licensing consent from the harbour. They are separate processes and decisions.

10.  It would be helpful for there to be a cohesive policy that applicants can follow. Cllr Eddy as a member of the Harbourside Council asked for officer assistance in addressing this in the upcoming Harbourside review plan.


Debate notes:

11.   The Bristol docks is an area where people work, live and play. It is incumbent on members to find a balance. This application is a good example of creating water borne accommodation in the city centre and represents the housing diversity that we should be aiming for. The impact on heritage grounds is not significant given the mixed nature of the harbour. Members should support innovative and sustainable design.

12.   Some members expressed sympathy for the applicant due to the delays caused by there not being a clear policy to cover these types of conversions. The Harbourside is a working and semi-industrial area so conservation arguments have a limit in this context. The unique design is likely to add to the character of the area.

13.   Public comments are overwhelmingly supportive. In such a high-profile area, we would expect many complaints if the design was poor. It is unintrusive even with the increased height.

14.  In the context of a city-wide housing crisis, boathouses are a feasible part of the solution.

15.  There was concern about setting a precedent and the need for a policy. Cllr Eddy volunteered to write to the Harbourside Forum on behalf of the committee to take this forward.




RESOLVED Members declined to move the officer recommendation.


Councillor Eddy moved the approval of the application seconded by Councillor Pearce.


RESOLVED (8 for / 0 against / 0 abstain) approve application subject to suitable conditions to be drafted by officers.


Supporting documents: